Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mum and her nana, ALWAYS wore their singlet under their bras...It was many years before they changed. Does anyone else remember doing that....Also I remember things with little buttons on, that we wore,under jerseys, i think they were called bodicetops or something...there must be some items of clothing we could reminice about.....

We had a vegie garden and fruit trees, I remember wrapping apples to last the winter. Cheese and even butter was cut off a large block by the shopkeeper and bacon was sliced as you waited. Biscuits were in large tins and you had them weighed out too. There was always a tin of broken ones that sold cheaper.
The butcher would skin and joint your rabbit as you waited. Rabbit stew was loved in our home.

After the war my mum kept a couple of pigs at a time and I well remember the hams hanging from the ceiling on the landing at the top of the stairs. When the pigs were ready to be butchered the butcher would call and pick them up. The fishmonger would come round the streets in a van on friday mornings selling his fresh fish.

The only things that came wrapped were little blocks of dates in cellophane. Yummy. Mum made jellies with fruit in them which we took to school in jars and sandwiches. If I remember we had those tin lunch boxes which are becoming fashionable again. We might have some sultanas or peanuts and milk was provided at school.

I still remember going to the corner shop on a Sunday when half the shops shelves were covered up as the products were not allowed to be sold on a Sunday.

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