Saturday, January 30, 2010

1950s memories Food and Other

ur toilet paper was newspaper cut into squares! Surprised noone has mentioned the milk at school, bought in from the gate about 9-45 & still warm fron the morning sun. I was an "apple monitor" & it was my job to go get the box of apples & open it. I thought it was great coz I was able to select the apple with the most ????? (brown like rust). Thats the ones that go to the pigs now as unsuitable. (ahhhh Russet) I remember getting my first pair of shoes when I was about to start at Wairarapa College. Only other footwear was an old pair of gumboots handed down through all 10 of us kids. And I was allowed to grow my hair instead of the old clippers style crewcut. One of my favorite memories is of the unlocked cars with the keys in the ignition & the houses with windows open & all doors unlocked.

My Gran had squares of newspaper in a sack bag by the 'dunny'. There was also newspapers on the bench next to the seat and we were expected to rip some more squares and kind of crumple them to make them softer if we were there for what was called 'a long jobbie'.
We were also epected to bring home the tissues that were around the apples for the same purpose.

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