Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sitting in Dad's huge garden eating the peas. Roaming all over the native bush area at the top of the street we lived in from early morning till tea time. Sledge tracks, swinging vines and secret huts.
Walking along the sewer pipes running down the Ngaio gorge. Mum would have had a fit.
Going to the local bug house, rows of wooden seats and wooden floors to roll our jaffa's down. Always seemed to be cowboy movies. In the exciting parts everyone would stamp their feet on the floor.
Gob stoppers and a huge bag of lollies for 3d.
The bread with the best part being the kissing crust. I also recieved a smack for eating the middle out of the bread on the way home.
Building go carts and sledges out of old bits of wood.
In the winter walking home from school in the pouring rain and mum would have a nice hot bath ready for us and hot milo. School was a good 4 miles away we always had to walk.
Sunday school, we would be given 3d each for the collection. Only went once and I had the bright idea that we should go to the dairy spend the 3d on lollies then go to the park. Took Mum a long time to catch on.

Sure we had a big vege garden but we also had the Chinaman with his horse & dray loaded with lovely fresh fruit & vegies. However my older brother thought it would be fun so he tied a Jumping Jack cracker to the horses tail & lit it. They caught the horse at the top of the Golf Links hill with a very empty dray. Of course none of us knew anything, we thought the horse had just bolted.

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