Sunday, January 14, 2007

Part 6

we sure were and the kids of today dont know what they are missing out on, my father worked in a dairy factory and we used to go with him and help build the crates for the cheese, they were a barrel kind of crate, he worked in with the cheese, we used to go watch how the cheese was made as well, used to like watching the curd slish around in the vats, b4 he was a factory worker we lived on a farm, so remember the old long drops, i always carried my kitten with me when i sat on there to do my business and my kitten fell down amongst the pooooo so my dad had to get a rake to try and winch it back up, me didnt get growled but i always remember it. We had a small med and a large size toilet/longdrop it was so good living there. dam why arent the days like this i dont want to drop another kitten down it, the poor wee thing hehehehe

pushbikes with 28inch wheels chev belairs and morrie miners no give way signs and no gangs murder you never heard of it then later words like cool farout right on man we are a pack of old foggies

and the old mini coopers i still have a 1979 GT1275 shes a hoon and I love her, and i remember the times when my brother in his old chevy coop taking his friend to Paeroa for an icecream travelling 6hrs there then straight back again.

there were hardly any murders. I do remember the BassettRoad one though cause all the neighbours talked about it. We had a nasty 52 red Morris Oxford, everyone else had blue, green, white or black cars, my father was terrified someone would bang into us, so he painted it red, so we could be seen. Well we were seen, from about 50 miles away !! I remember my father making a home brew and all the neighbours coming to try it. Im sure the alcohol content was hideously high back then. And my father would wear one of those dressy hats to work, thinking back it was ghastly, but all men wore hats. What were the tight trousers called that we wore ? stove pipes ?

I remember sitting down for dinner one night, aged about 7 and saying in a loud voice Father Uncle Cousin King ! I didnt have a clue what it meant, had heard it at school. OMG I can still see my father slowly turn purple with shock and rage! hahahaha boy did I get the bit of 4 x 2 planted firmly on my backside that night and my mouth washed out with vinegar. Was years before I knew what it meant.

when i was a child my brother took me and my little sister with a few of dads capstan 10 plain cigs and we laid in the long grass just down from the house and lit them up and tried them out coughing and spluttering, dad saw the smoke rising and sneaked down to us, we didnt get the bamboo that time cause we were choking on the ciggie anyway, yukkk never again

Great Memories A bag of speck fruit,ice cream for a penny, I see the hula hoop is back in

yes it is and what i could do with the hula hoop then, i cant now lol, what about the jungle gym when u used to swing around the bar with one leg and go round and round, yukk i could never do that now hehe

we had more respect for our parents, teachers etc than the kids do today because we knew we would get the strap or bamboo etc there was a lot of what the would call child abuse (today)back then but it did us no harm

LOL at the jungle gym and turn upside down and show our panties! and the boys would all laugh. Those days panties were very plain. I had these navy ones and they used to leave dye all over my nether regions. Grosssssss

those days u could wear your panties for PE they were like shorts lol

remember the times hen the boys put mirrors on the top of their shoes to look up the girls dresses or gyms, now if you wore a gym it would be naughty lol

My grandma iued to wear a girdle with bones in it and hooks in the front and these weird things that hung down to clip onto her 'hose'. The stockings were so thick and darned. On the clothes line, the girdle, stretched out, used to take up a whole line! Then she wore bloomers, that came down to her knees. They were a sight to behold on the clothes line! Looked like those windsoxs that fly at airports !

I lived over the coast e walked to school and had to wear boots, when we got there the teacher made us a cup of cocoa, also that razor strap, not that i got it, Ha Ha

i remember the cocoa, i used to make it
at our school, and those bloomers #267 dam that made me laugh what u wrote hehehehe but yes the clothes we all wore yesteryear is what the guys want us to wear these days for their pleasure hehehehe

dont think my gym slip would fit me now, but it was very short, would come up to my waist now. Should I add a pair of bloomers ? Someone needs to delete this thread off. Its taking all my time up and Im exhausted from laughing so hard.

and the school cap and berets the socks had to be pulled up, and if u got a ladder in your stocking u had to darn it or put nail polish on it to stop it from running any further

I bet you didnt have nice tartan pants like I had to wear. I hated them so much. Home made :( and everyone had Farmers pants. And I had to wear dresses (with lots of lace and frills) to match my sister 5 yrs younger. So gross, hate pink, lace and tartan to this day. I wanted those shiny black patent shoes, but my mother made me wear red ones. YUK, Talk about a traumatised childhood !! LOL

couldnt wear makeup to school otherwise u had to go wash it off, the girls today wear it to school and get away with it, maybe some boys wear it too hehehehe imagine it

my parents were the same dressed all 4 of us girls the same and nah didnt have the tartan panties not sure what they were, maybe nappies still hehehehehe...NOT...

not having to wear seat belts in carsor crash helmets when on a motor bike, cars with a bench seat in the front that was held up by a strap so it could be laid down for a bit of fun

sorry meant like trousers, pull up jobs, no fly with lovely wide elastic round the waist. So Gross with a luvly fairisle jumper to match.

the bench seat, you could slide across, make me blush

we were all dressed the same as well going to sunday school to get out of doing the dishes and spending the plate money on lollies on the way home

hehehhehehe debbie what kind of fun debbie hehehehe but yes those were the days, what about the fun in a 2 front seat car and the hand break there ouch hehehehe

and the times the cars broke down and u had to get the crank handle out to start it again, and if u didnt have that all us kids had to push the car, but we did it

the crank Handle h the car always need a crank to get going in the cold. Things didnt seem to change much back then. We seemed to wear the same 'fashions' for years on end. I was not interested in clothes so suited me. I was more interested in bikes and trucks that the boy next door had.

black and white tv that came on at 6 oclock at night

yes and if u didnt have a TV at the time your parents would take u into town on a friday night and u would sit outside a shop in front of their window and watch The Lone Ranger, sometimes the shopkeeper would tell u to bugger off but u got to know the ones that would let u sit there, they would even tell u to go sit inside and watch it

Dancing the night away at Granny's in Auckland to the La Di Da's and Dinah Lee, then climbing up the fire escape at the Nurses Home and being caught by Sister Death. Oooh and keeping our hands over our glasses of coke in case some boy put an aspro in it. lol.

geez the nurses home lol i had the charge nurse wrapped round my little finger hehehehehe sht those were the days there aye hehe

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