Monday, January 15, 2007

Part 7

yep used to love the days in the blackcat playing all the old music and playing those machines that u put a penny in and watched it go down to the bottom and in hope u got a free turn again

The home sister sure as hell wasn't wrapped around my little finger. Those were great days though. Have heaps of great memories from my student nurse days.

We walked 3miles to school and then back home again.I remember where every berry,yum-yum and water hole was.And who to hitch a ride with too.

Knitted home made socks.....Omigod, how itchy were they. Lanes emulsion, maltexo, codliver oil tablets and vitamin c tablets and all on one day!!! Lovely. The codliver oil would repeat on you all day and thats all you could taste. Yuk! Have to say I havent suffered many flus and colds in my life though. Kiddies car seats that hooked onto the back seat. I loved my black walkie talkie dolls. Sabrina dolls, first dolls with boobs, sindie dolls. Stringy chewy stews and casseroles. Yuk. Put me off for life. Rin tin tin, William Tell, the first memory of black and white Tv. Tin putt putt boats in the bath. Lit with a candle. They were fun. My absolute fav which gave me a lot of pleasure was a frisbee type dish that you spun on top of a pointed stick. I had a pale pink with glitter. Ah, memories. Those were the days .... * sigh *

going to the opera house to the pictures and dropping all those jaffas down thru the seats and u heard every bit of rolling that they did, no carpet on the floors those days, then the big torch that got shone in your face and u sat there like nothing had happened and it wasnt you hehehehe nah it wasnt me it was him, trueeeee

lanes emulsion and maltex yukkkkkk well the malt wasnt too bad but the lanes emulsion yukkk were they trying to poison us hehehehe we didnt have the cod liver oil sht dont know how we missed with that one lol

i had sindy doll as well and use to spend hours dressing her we also had to have a teaspoon of malt every day, the vegetables that had the guts boiled out of them yuk

i remember in the cremalta porridge you got a free stick with the plastic bowl so u could swirl it round yes they were the days, and all the tin toys, my first doll was a walkie talkie, i named her Hayley after hayley mills cause i went to her movie Pollyanna and loved her in it, and the boats u used to get in the baking soda, u put the baking soda in it and it would fiz to the top in the bath

Oooh yuk, and having to eat a teaspoon of sulphur powder and treacle once a week because my mother said it was good for your skin. May have been good for the skin but it made your bum sound like a starter motor.

shirley templei had my hair done in ringlets like her
at xmas there was always a huge pile of pressies under our tree

I hated cremelta although I didn't mind porridge with golden syrup swirled on the top. On rainy days Mum would always have fingers of hot toast ready for us with marmite. The "Sunday drive" we went on those every Sunday right up until I was about 16 -we would usually go up to Wenderholm or Orewa and the big treat was "snowfreeze" icecream.We had a hut and we had a rope swing over some bigg gully which you had to jump to catch!!(no fear then!!)My friend,Fiona got "witches britches" and white boots and I was SO upset,because Mum wouldnt let me have them. Who had a cane dolls pram? I have recently bought one (re-living the childhood!!) and "Patch" doll -just bought one of those too on ebay!! My sisters had "Sindy"
my mother loved shirley temple

and your parents would say now hurry up and go to sleep otherwise father xmas wont come, and u would lie there awake waiting for him to arrive then u would hear a noise and think he was on your roof, then we would get up like 2-3 in the morning and grab our pressies and play with them, i would make my dolly cry and wake the rest up hehehehehe

being able to go to the dairy by yourself cause it was safer then. the beatles coming to nz and those plastic wigs that everyone had

"Maltexo" with the cod liver oil and orange juice in it -yummy. I still occasionally buy it.the Spacemen cigarette sweets which i think you can still buy. Waking up at 3am on Christmas morning. I can still remember the smell of the plastic on the bride doll I got one Christmas, it set your teeth on edge! cap guns -I loved the smell of the burnt out caps. and the great plastic toys you got in the weetbix or kornies packets.

lining the streets holding you little flag when there was a royal tour

i have a cane dolls pram here so i am still living my childhood days

the tin babies bath that was put out side with water in it on hot days so we could play in it

,we used to tie our cardi's on the bar first which made it far easier to go round and round. Who remembers the big skipping ropes at school and you would all be in a line and run and jump into the rope and skip,then run out again,then the next person would do the same? or two of you would skip at the same time. There was a particular song we used to sing,but I cant remember what it was.

i have lots of dolls still, and yes the flag when the queen came over way back, and the flags when the govenor general came to your school, and the jokes we would make 1956 the king was chopping blocks, he missed the block and cut his......finger stupid, in 1956 hehehehee remember all of these

Spending summer days at Pt Erin Baths 5c to get in, 20c would be enough to get lunch and some Sante bars, arrive at 8am leave at 5pm. No sunblock, no hat and the days seemed so much hotter than now.

My best Christmas present was a go-kart that my big brother had made for me. I LOVED that go-kart and I've still got the scars on my knees as a reminder. Ooh and playing cowboys and indians in the bush. I always wanted to be the Indian princess and wore a headpiece and skirt made from toi-toi.

yes those skipping times when we were great at it and doing it in pairs gosh these days we would try it and just laugh our heads off. We would bike to school 10mile away and it would be up steep hills and windy roads out in the country, we would meant to be catching the bus and we would say that we did go on the bus but it was so much more fun riding the bike, no gears on them either and then now u go out over those same roads, they have been tarsealed and yet for the life of u you wonder how u ever did it phewww

Anyone here from Christchurch? The Albatross coffee lounge, Regent, Savoy, Majestic, Odeon, Avon, State, Cinerama, Tivoli, Crystal Palace, Snoopy's, Plainsman, Scene, Mojo's.

and the days we let the kids mow the lawns we had a rolling motor mower and i had taken my oldest daughter to marching and left the other kids at home with their dad. He let the youngest son of 6yrs mow the lawn and the younger daughter of 2yrs old always followed the motor mower around, well she went in front of it and her brother couldnt stop the mower from moving and he mowed over her leg and she has this cut shaped like a E, we reminded him of it at his 21st and then she showed him, dam laugh now but not at the time

I remember the Plainsman very well....slow dancing . Some one wanted to know when 'the pill' came here. It was 1959 as my mother was preggers with twins (numbers 5 and 6) when it came here. that is why there was no number 7

Getting up at 5am Doing a lambing beat.Having a bath ,breakfast and catching the bus at 7 to get to high school.Having 2/6 a week to buy my lunch.Gym frocks,panama hats,roman sandles.Lever hit parade each sunday evening.Ofcourse all the mums serials to..Sighhh... so uncomplicated then.

winkle pickers and stove pipe trousers

The long haired students wearing roman sandals and old ladies fur coats.....jeez they're still looking like that

I loved Haley Mills and Dirk Bogard.I can also remember going to the movies with a shilling and having enough money to buy an icecream at half time as well. Ciggies were 2 shillings a packet and a little bag chippies for threepence and they had the salt inside them wrapped up in a bit of blue paper.

sunday night was our bath and wash hair night in about 2inches of water urrrrrrrrrrrg and the rest of the week we had to wash our feet and legs up to our knees

dipping the nib pen in the little ink well at school..

the pill wasnt really spoken about then cause when i had my first child out of wedlock u couldnt even talk to your parents about anything, u couldnt ask questions, they wouldnt tell u about the birds and the bees as it was discusting to them, now these days the kids tell u it all, u can get redfaced with what they say at times, they dont even mind joking with how they did it last night

The Beachboys. My first crush was on Dennis from the Beachboys.

the days when children were seen and not heard or so they say

shirley temple is a star S T A R she can do the wiggle wobbles she can do the splits she can lift her dress right up to her hips.

remembers Plunket. it's Plunkets 100th birthday this year. Remember dances at the Crystal Palace in Mt Eden rd.,., the Orange ballroom,it was quite daring to go there, can';t remember why, and one of the first restaurants was the Matador Symonds st.,

geez i remember the plunket days had this real old dragon for a plunket nurse, and the way they put the baby in a nappy and hung it to the hook on the weigh scales then held it up in the air to read the weight

the discos

What about the lemonade iceblocks with jellybabies frozen in the tip. The homemade milky iceblocks. I too had witches britches which we let show just under our school skirts. I still have my cane pram, dolls cot, dolls highchair etc. I had white boots with a bow in the front and almost slept in them. My fav roman sandals were my red ones. I thought I was so different. My hair was put in rags overnight to provide me with ringlets. I remember the praise people would give me!! My most treasured memory was of a boy at high school. We liked each other but both shy, today we are now together after our marriages collapsed. The most happy days of my life. It truly goes in circles.

Going to the Christmas parade in Auckland and ending up at Farmers. That big old Father Christmas on the roof with the finger that moved.

sitting on santas knee

brownies taking your 5cents and putting it on the mushroom and dancing around it, thats if you didnt spent your 5cents at the dairy on aniseed wheels before brownies.. i got away with that for so long, until my mum became brown owl. every tuesday we got to wear our brownie uniform to school,we all felt so cool.... can you remember paper drives with the scouts.

ohhhh thats so sweet asado your time sure has gone round in a circle, nice to have a happy ending. well i must get off here but will be back later, i just love this thread, it brings back all the great old times, just what we needed. 350

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