Sunday, January 14, 2007

Part 5

Catching flounder in the Tamiki riverwith a spear at low tide.. Nicking the neighbours canoe and getting stuck at low tide in the estuary.. Damn mud in the Tamiki stinks...

Not locking your doors when you left home...

I can remember at primary school having to go for a swim with the class even if our swimming pool was green. Yes, we had a special day for each class to go swimming and it was compulsary. The pool sometimes was so green it was a health risk. But we did it or we got to clean the classroom at night for a week for punishment

We used to play on the streets at night...No TV watching in them days... String across the road and watch the cars run into it. Screech brakes and we were off.. lol

yes we did that as well with home make spears. You say Tamaki stank, you should of tried the west side like Wood Bay ....that was slimey stinky mud there but we headed off. I remember dad saying not to move much just glide through the water and anything moving stab it. Well i did and it was his sandshoe!!!!

I remember damning up the creek over the back of our property and causing floods to the neighbours... Lighting the long dry grass on fire so we could watch the fire engines at work.. Remember the fire alarms on the power poles. Break the glass hit the button and run for your life...

ahahha We did the pretend string over the road, We would each stand on the kerb and as a car approached we would pretend to be pulling on sting from one side to the other. We got growled at so many times, We would poke out our tongues out and run off. Theses days we would get stabbed for it lol
I have a spear scar on my left foot... But I did it ... lol

hahahah i remember well the lampost alarms. ummmmm I am guilty also of breaking one and doing a runner....
hahah u did it yourself.. did u catch anything though. I dont think in all the times we went there we actually came home with fish!!! just a lantern that had run out of kerosene and wet clothes

Going to the dairy with the milk billie and getting the milke. Waiting for the grocer to weigh out the sugar or flour and put it in brown paper bag. The old scales with the weights on one side on the goods on other. Riding bikes everywhere. Playing in Ongley Park but not going near the ESPLANADE (creepy old men lived there) Watching the Manawatu Scottish Society Pipe Bank practising at Manaroa Park and being used as markers. Sharing just about everything we owned. Cats, dogs, rabbits, horses, birds. Swimming at the Muni after school. Not being allowed into the Square after 5 when it started to get dark.

Couldn't really eat the flounder too nuch mud in them.. The eels were ok tho... loved them smoked.

hmmmmm can say i remember a billie with mik, just glass bottles for me. I remember getting mums groceries and the boy would deliver them on his bike with a basket in front of it lol

mum and dad had a dairy i use to sneak the bottles from behind the shop and go and resell them at the dairy down the road.

I am amazed at how many are from PN in this thread I was there from 1965 to about 1975.

You seem like the girlfriends I kicked around with. I lived down the road from Bert Munro.....the bikie gang in the movie lived a couple of houses away. Playing on the streets was a favorite, but it wasn't a gang, more likely soccer or rounders. Always on our bikes. My favorite programmes were mostly about drinking and fun...high chaperal, the dean martin show, the monkees. the best times ever (58 model)

Dean Martin Show was great... Never missed it

My parents didn't have much money so we never had a car. We didn't have a TV or phone for a long time either.

My dad drove a Taxi in Auckland It was an old 1954 FJ Holden.. Yellow... Our only car and we never even owned it.. State house .. no money...

Remember when they even had a column in "the Truth" for divorces
It was a true gossip column aye...
Only read half of this and this old chook has to go to bed hope I can find it tomorrow. Thanks everyone for the laughs and the memories. Nitey Nite all

What a hoot! I used to work at the Bo Peep in my heyday. Also remember other great Ak clubs of the time= Big S, Embers Jazz club and the Galaxy ~ lunchtime gigs with the Underdogs *swoons*
lifestylz i was born in palmy and was there from
57 to 63 I remember going to visit my great aunt at the post office and it was a huge building with desks not counters.
My grandad worked there. He had a huge old oak desk and he was about 5 foot nothing... lol
revolting half pints of milk luke warm when left standing in the sun at school

I remember the strap and the cane and the wooden rule... very close contact at QEC...

icecream sodas
mmm! lime fizzy drink and slurping icecream up though a straw while sitting in a milkbar

heck so did my grandad for a little while buti don't remember seeing him there. I also remember our trips to town and we would have lunch in the park feeding the birds and watching the highland dancers. Going into the department stores where i was sooooo terrified i would get lost. Went into pn hospital when i was 2 1/2 and vividly remember getting smacked by a nurse. Train went through town, oh and i also have very vivid memories of evening setting through the back window of our studebaker car while waiting for our dad at the pub that isn't there now, i always thought he worked there, ha ha, only found out about five years ago he didn't, just visited lots.

Oh The Underdogs, yip they did rock Auckland, there is a poster on here sometimes who's brother-in-law was in the Underdogs.
Well it's taken a while but

Poppy (g/dad) used to take us to the pub with him we got to stay in the car with all the windows down & he (or one of his mates) would bring us out tall glasses of raspberry & coke while we waited. Just visited Kaikoura last week & was shocked to see the pub is now a huge pile of RUBBLE! G/parents had 2 baches in South Bay where we stayed every long w/end! We'd catch cockabillies in the rock pools & go out in the dinghy every day for fish. I remember helping Poppy hang the fish in the little shed out the back, which was a smoke house. I so loved being there :-)

i remember the chocolate milkshake icecream on a stick called a chacha and they were soooo yummy, i also remember a boy in my class playing a joke on the teacher by cellotaping a weta to her desk draw handle, they were the old kind draw handle that your fingers went up inside of, glad i wasnt a teacher

we lived in a back country and the school we went to had a swimming pool where the water in the pool come from a creek, we swam with the tadpoles and i remember my sister swimming under water and she swollered one, no she never turned into a frog lol but those were the days.

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