Sunday, January 14, 2007

Part 4

The outhouse... there are still houses around that have them, although don't think they're used anymore. No loo paper then either!

We had a party line as well. We would have a special beep to know that the call was for us. Like 3 rings for us. 4 long rings for the other people and so on and so on. I used to tap the phones as well. but probably only ever got the correct number once out of about 10 attempts.

We used to get our morning bread delivered to the door. We would put a large tin out and he would call early morning and we had fresh bread.

Oh Dear looks like this has gone by its bedtime as its now on a go slow for this subject. heheheh I guess we are at the age we need our rest lol lol

I went to MRGS Lacey and we didn thave to have a party line cause my father was a cable technician for the Post Office and designed cables etc and was on call out. So we had our own line. Wahoooooo we were the envy of the street !! AND we had the first TV in the street cause my father got a kit set shipped out from the States and was all going before anyone else could buy one. And our neighbours bought a brand new chrysler valiant ! was gorgeous

lol I still remember our old phone number, but now cant remember what we had for dinner yesterday.

either that or we have all slipped into a reverie of memories. However for me it is time to say goodnight as my day starts early.

ok Georgee I went to Good shepherd Convent in Balmoral, then onto St benedicts in Symonds street. Being taught by nuns people used to think you were a goodie goodie. Good God!! how wrong could they have been where I was concerned.

geez it is now a total no no touching mercury but I remember nurse aiding and having broken thermometers then rolling that old mercury about!! It was great fun. But now its as bad as doing that to asbestos!! Ignorance is bliss sometimes!!

THOSE WERE THE DAYS road runners mcc would line their bikes on a friday nght at the t&G clock tower, go for a walk around town to shock the citizens..Pork chop hill, driving down on the bonnet.. brill cream to stop ya gettin preggy.. pick up for the woodgies was the bus stop.. easy pickings from mckenzies & woolworths. blue dutch for a yummy lunch. and those blardy jumble sale's.. memories only good things I can think of at the moment of my life in PNTH

Kal Q Lated Risk!!!!!!!!! Who remembers these guys playing around Palmy pubs..Especially the Awapuni.

and the Sunday bread was sold with just a band of paper around the middle.Hokey pokey sold in cellophane bags from the dairy for three cents,sherbet in the white paper bag with the licqorice tube to suck it through.Playing "bullrush" on late sumer evenings with all the other neighbourhood kids. Ice cream slice as a special treat after dinner or even better still, Mr Whippy.witches britches!! sweets at 5 for one cent.

lol darmoz I was in Auckland and headed to Queen Strert for the BIG Sat night out lol. Hitch hike our way there and back with never a fear of something happening to us. Riding round in a zephyr Mk1 convertible thinking I was gods gift to men. Hair all back combed up, skin tight jeans that I had laid in the hot bath in trying to shrink them so i had to sqeeze myself into them. Ohhh those were the days!!!

Sunday morning kids stories on 1ZB merv smith........flick the little fire engine.....billy goat gruff.....dinky pinky the elephant......3 blind mice........rumplestilkskin (sp).....peter rabbit

I remember all of those things. chewing gum as 2 pence for 4 pieces ( i think) I used to order my weekly comics from the stationary shop and could'nt wait till the following week to bike to the shop and they would be put aside for me.

Maybe we can sue for the dental nurse giving us mercury to play with.

I used to listen to those stories as well.. then there was the singing in them which till this day I also remember the Flick fire engine tune and Sparky!!
I...remeber going to the Murde house (dentist) in mt eden. there were all the chairs lined up and nurses learning and we had to sit there while the fiddled around poking cotton wool into our mouths then calling the head nurse who had to pass what the nurse had done before we were allowed to collect our little cotton wool doll that they had there and then go home
Look at my spelling I am getting tired. Shoule read, remember, then Murder house

WALK ....yes . walk to school in brown leather roman sandles. leather school bag. hit over knuckles with ruler. milk cart, girls doing maypole dancing. fizzy drinks off the self or a penny more off the ice. cheaper to drink in the shop or 2 pennies more to takeaway- BUt you could bring the bottle back for a refund and spend it on lollies?? buzz bars off the ice. old man used to come to our house to sharpen the knives." bottle o man" on a horse and cart used to pick up the bottles in manurewa/homai. mr whippy as a sunday , late afternoon treat. bull rush as a game . stubb yah toes???

good night KIWI......................... when the t/v had finished for the night- 10pm , i think.??
Yes I remember them all to well. I wonder how the kids of today would react if all was taken from them and they had to go back to the good old days like we had. They wouldn't survive. I remember having to carry the crates of warm milk down to the classroom and having to drink it warm. Going by surnames mine was with a *W* so I was about 3rd to last to drink it and by then it was warmer than warm. I dont drink milk now.. I wonder why?
Tv... shut down with the goodnight kiwi. I can still remember the 6pm hotel closing, and also riding the trams down symonds street with my parents

I have a question... which I haven't been able to find the answer to in the book (maybe it's there, but haven't read it yet) - when did 'The Pill' first get prescribed to women? Was it late 60's or early '70s? I understand women had to be married or they wouldn't prescribe it to them when it first appeared. Then along came Womens Lib and feminism which changed all that.

We did!!! LOL My sister went on a school trip to a farm - and came home with a LAMB!! Mum almost had a heart attack LOL Curly was a very popular pet - everyone came to see him & feed him hahaha. He ended up getting a harem out near the airport & for months my sister refused to eat lamb in case it was Curly.
I... I know it was around 37 years ago, cos i was on it then

hitchhicked to auck myself, hell at least back then the guys would say to you..turn it up or walk.. not much rape back then eh. the 60's sure were the days ..songs had words that had meaning to them. I used to kick it with one of the top guys from the HELLS ANGELS.. I was it ( or so I thought).. If I could turn back time

lol keen kiwi, that would be awful to think you were eating your pet like that heheheh

blue rompers which were standard sports uniform wear at highschool (mortifying they were)...

we had the world champions do a demo at school & we spent months driving Mum up the wall doing tricks like walk the dog - tried showing my kids how to do it & discovered it is NOT like riding a bike hahaha - couldn't ewven get the darn thing to yo let alone yo-YO! LOL

i did a lot of the old hitchhiking as well. Saved the bus fare so we could spend it on something else. Rape was around for sure but it wasnt like today. it wasnt really broadcadt much either. I remember pinching my dads TRUTH paper and going into my room with a torch and under the bedcovers read it., That was like Playboy is today back then. Also went to a segrated movie in Newmarket.\ Boys upstairs girls downstairs. OMG.. just inagine that happening now

Telethon What a trip down memory lane - is my birthday tomorrow - and I feel ohhhhhhhh so nostalgic.

I could understand it if he'd gone to lamby heaven LOL but he was a RAM & got to have a lot of fun before his time came - she soon forgot about him though as the lure of Mum's Sunday Roast Lamb & mint sauce become to powerful to ignore hehehe

ohhhhh Rompers YUCK!!! but yes we had to wear them as well. I also remember playing netball at Mountain Road Courts in Newmarket in a long sleeved white blouse. my black gym frock a tie, black thick stockings with a suspender belt to hold them up.. hahahahah

usualsuspect You must be old!. What are rompers??? *cringes cause rabbits remembers them too* Gawd they were terrible. The person who designed those had it in for girls. Now there was one very good way to stop guys harassing them. A pair of rompers could stop the most out there guy.

Ohh yes - sneaking a peek at TRUTH was a real forbidden pleasure - not that I really knew what I was looking at LOL Then I discovered my Uncle's stash of Playboys! Oh! Er! LOL My Nan had a FIT!

the truth back then was a real grown up paper.. I used to get under the folks bed and read it by torch.. age is a bugga alright. but this thread has bought some life into me tonight..

Sunday night movies Rolling jaffas down the aisles and getting booted out.. snoggin in the back row... easy rider... lol

I HATED rompers! Always felt like a big baby! And having to line up for romper inspection was just the PITS - the boys never had to have their SHORTS inspected! Or the length of their HEMS! Totally sexist, it was LOL

lol My dad spat the dummy big time when he caught me with the truth!! Also he caught me smoking out the bathroom window. He wasnt due home from work so early and I was doing the puffing out the window , he came in banged on the door said there was a fire in there, I was busy trying to wash my mouth out with Ipana toothpaste hahahsahas

I remember pinching the empty drink bottles from the back of the shops in Wymondley Road Otara. Then selling them back to them.. haha... I was a good boy then... lol

Jaffas yes we also did thre old roll them down the floor trick. Never got put out, but did get banned cos we put chewing gum along a row of seats hahahaha. I also dyed my hair blonde when dad had said NO. I was so upset as it was yellow the chemist gave me a bottle of crystal Silver to tone it down. But I never read instructions and put it on my head UNDILUTED. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I was purple streaked.. hahahah

If we forgot to bring our rompers for PE, we had to show up with them the next day, the penalty was to wear them around the school for a half-day. Thank God it was an all-girls school but even so, it was mortifying! I only forgot them once!

yes we used to get 2 pence per bottle back for them didnt we? I used to get my pocket money by selling the empty glass bottles to the Dairy. And yes i am also guilty of pinching them and selling them back to them again hahaha

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