Sunday, January 14, 2007

Part 3

pete sinclair i got a sign pic from him i hated gym slips ans black stocking with surpenders, and panama hats. liked my hollow hoop. mk 2 zephers, and school bus rides,loved Dr kildare, and bewitched. though if u had sex standing up u woun't get preg.

children stories on the radio on sunday mornings little toot fire engine flick

Dornwell Road ran down the hill from Foodtown Three Kings to Carr Road. But when I was there, living at the bottom of the hill, it was all paddocks where Foodtown is and Carr Road only had 2 factories.

Craig Scott's father was our grocer. When he (Craig) got married we went along to the church and watched outside. Years later I used to do some work for the firm he worked for.

Im laffing so hard Im coughing! Used to roller skate over at the neighbours drive and annoy the heck out of her cause she always had a migraine.

reading all this has reminded me how so many things have changed. Some bad but also some good. I was in Canada in 1976 and saw a program about how in our life time we could expect to see one of the greatest technical revolutions ever..yep the internet. At the time it was no where near reality but the predictions they made have certainly come true. Just think how we have all reminisced tonight and yet we are only connected by wiring and packets of information. I can remember scoffing at the time.

I got bitten by a dog So far up my inner thigh it was almost on my 'you know where' when I was 9 and remember pulling up my skirt to show all the kids my wound...ewww...lmao

American skipping with the elastic and collecting and swapping paper 'scraps'

yowl pain! big hair rollers in scarf over the top and sleeping with them in!! hair spray that was a stiff as the starch that mum put in the collars of our school shirts!

OHHH Georgee i remember now where that was. I used to meet me boyfriends occasionally up on that hill where the water tank on it

Witches Britches - As our high school uniform (Timaru College) was a black, green & navy pleated skirt, we were only allowed to wear those colours for witches britches. If the head mistress caught you wearing any other colour we were given a detention!

Kerosene cowboys and pillion pussys. Milk bars. Dr. Paul, on the radio. Black lisle stockings, in the Winter, at High School. Penny bags of broken biscuits, or the same of 'specked' fruit. Threepence got a piece of fish, a hot dog, and chips, for Friday school lunch. Party lines ~ for those who had a phone. Our ring was long, short, long. Awesome memories, 70schic, thank you.
so who remembers BoPeep in Auckland, The UnderDogs, Human Instinct, Creation, Tommy Adderly, etc. Oh...and Daggy and The Dickheads??? lolol

bludggh cutting up beef liver and kidneys or the cats cos there was not tinned cat food in those days.

Pants inspections at high school They made us lift our skirts and sent you home if you had the wrong colour.

our cats and dogs thought it was christmas when they got Felix or Fido canned food instead of gravy beef. Home grown vegetables and home kill hogget for us...

yes we had that and I had lime green witches britches, and having our hem length checked. I was always hoofing it up. Remember going to work in 1970 and my uniform was so short that when I held the strap on the bus all my knickers showed. oooops didnt tell my kids that when they were teenagers

Human Instinct were my idols The greer boys were all from PN. Had a nightclub and milkbar there. The Ponderosa in George st. Remember it?

Is Porkchop Hill still the "meeting" place in Palmy..Oh the memories of that place.

we had to kneel down so that Miss Bowler could measure the disatnce from ground to skirt level. And God forbid if you were caught in uniform out of school hours without your beret on, let alone IN school hours. Bring that code back please. Really, lets see tidier kids about, no shirtails hanging out or socks down. ( another big NO NO!)

The LaDeeDas (cant spell it) were around I also went to the Beatle Inn. Shirilee and the Top Twenty. Tommy Adderly was the singer there with Alison Durban and Craig Scott

remember my mum used to listen to the 'wireless' Aunt Daisy.. Dr Paul.. Portia faces life, while doing the washing. the sheets used to get boiled in the copper.

Who else in here had party lines? I remember being a 'townie' kid going to camp in the wops, forgot something - had to ring Mum and wondering why there were voices coming out of the phone when I picked it Spooked the hair off me! also remember those old 'phone boxes where you could make a free call if you knew how to 'tap' it properly. Post Office got wise to that one quickly and fixed them so we couldn't. Next time I tried with tiddly-winks from a board game, didn't work.

I remember when the milkman used to bring the milk on a horse and cart. It was so cool when he would let us kids help deliver it. I'm too scared to tell my kids that, would probably think it was the 19th century. And the dental nurse giving you mercury to roll around in your hand, and making you cotton wool dolls.

Yes I remember those serials as well. My parents had a copper in the Laundry and everything was boiled in that. There was a concrete tub that was besides the copper, God and old concrete tub lol lol

Larry's Rebels Mark 1 Zephyrs, the Sorrento coffee bar in Wellington.

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