Monday, January 15, 2007

part 23

Hong Kong jackets Does anyone remember these. You couldn't buy these jackets here so mum and dad sent away to Hong Kong. You got back a lovely thick padded coat. Can't remember how much they cost - wouldn't have been much because we weren't well off. Also going fishing for flounder with an old knitting needle tied on to a long stick. Had to watch your toes!!
I get to shoot basketball hoops with my wee boy as well as play with all his cool toys as well...Have always said that I will grow old disgracefully and thus far I am aging badly.

Those Hong Kong Jackets You had to pay for them with British postal notes. You could only buy them us to five shillings so you had to buy a lot. Some one else may remember if you could buy more than one at a time.

I...remember the Hong kong jackets. We never brought one as we were to poor and my parents said there was other things more important in the house so that was it. If i remember a couple of friends got them and they really were great. Mum made our clothes and we had handme downs, so something new like that was nowhere to be seen in our house. I also remember making stilts with the cans and the string. Then we progressed to dad making stilts with a piece of wood and another piece slanted at the bottom for the feet to stand on. But poor dad didnt nail them on hard enough and i came to a sticky end down the road when one of the footings fell off and I ended up face down with a tooth through my lip. Ouch!!

someone mentioned cane dolls prams a long way back. They are worth quite a lot now as antiques. It shames me now to recall converting mine into a go cart. Awesome mover it was down our drive which had just enough slope to be able to hang a hard left into our backyard before crashing into the side of my father's surgery. Dont think my mother appreciated the wonderful recreation though!

Dunedin I have also noticed not a lot of Dn folk here. I have enjoyed reading it and it has brought back heaps of memories. I remember the baked bean stilts - think I used golden syrup cans - greatfun. Last year was a thread -shoreline - and had a lot of Dn places from 50's - 60's 70's - great reading
PUNCH & JUDY puppets.. they used to put concerts on from time to time
I grew up in Dunedin. Used to go to the town hall dances. At one stage my mother got a job there and I could get in free. It was up to me if I got a lift home with her or accepted a lift from someone I met.
I remember punch and judy. We made them at school. A piece of cloth and a tennis ball with a hole to put your finger through to make the head move.Then we would put cotton wool for the hair and draw eyes etc etc then i used to go home and wait till we had a family dinner and then I would get behind our couch and do a punch and judy half hour for everyone. Good god!!! imagine kids doing that this day and age.

Np...I was starting to confuse myself not that that is so hard to do these days. How's Feilding? I had a great aunt who had a farm on the hill. All built out long ago.
I never knew what it was like to be bored. We ever had any electronics, we didnt even have a swimming pool at home and must have been far down the queque for getting a TV as well. I used to play with the kids in the street on bikes, hop scotch on the footpath, hide and seek in the overgrown unused part of the intermediate school behind where we lived. Erect a home made sorta tent dad did for me and the girls used to bring in their dolls and their little kids tea sets and we used to make a pot of make believe tea and we would eat real biscuits and pretend we were ladies. ohhhhh how innocent we were back then 1150

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