Monday, January 15, 2007

Part 24

Good morning all. Good to catch up in the morning. I remember the Hong Kong jackets too. I had a red one that was my pride and joy AND it was reversible haha. Also my Mother got plastic bunches of flowers that lit up. They were very novel back then and I see you can now buy them at gifty shops. Someone mentioned weather last night which reminded me....Did anyone have the ornaments that changed colour according to the weather. Pink, mauve and blue I think. Also the we weathervane house where the man came out if it was going to be wet and the woman if fine? . I still have my first money box. A hard plastic pink bear with moving eyes. I had 2 black walkie talkie dolls and one white that made up a bridal party that sat on my bed LOL. My pride and joy. The bridesmaids were dressed in pink and I still have the dolls clothes. The dolls heads came apart from the body but are around somewhere. All my childhood treasures...
were the summers way back when, hotter, longer and generally nicer than today? Sunscreen was either unheard of or for sissys? I remember those figurines that changed colour..mine was a poodle. No digital clocks and to this day still prefer to read the time the analogue way. Spelling lists from that brown and yellow book of lists..our general knowledge seemed to be greater than today too. who had to learn all the kings and queens of England going right back to the magna carta? If we didnt knnow something we pointed in the general direction and told to get on and find out for ourselves. Conspiracy theories didnt exist as we believed what we read or we sought out information that proved that wrong.
I can remember conversation lollies and Hong Kong jackets I had one when I started work ot was so thick with duffle coat buttons on it..lacynz yes the golf course at Pine Song was neat went there for a champagne breakfast with the fire brigade...soldiermum what a neat idea to far away from me.. if guys do meet up I'm sure you will have a hardcase time and toooo many laughs...Where are all the old Titirangi, Laingholm people..... people....
Home made walkie talkies with two tins and a piece of string stretched between them and getting up early the morning after Guy Fawkes so we could go and look for the sticks from sky rockets and use them to make kites.
talking about general knowledge.. I learnt a lot from a game I had (hoping someone remembers it) with a wizard that you placed on magnetized mirror. He spun around and pointed at a question then you had to answer it. There were interchangeable sheets of questions. I spent many hours playing that and still recall some of the q's and a's now.
Browsing through antiques and collectables
brings back many memories of what we used/had as youngsters. I remember the butterwarmer. The metal lid with a hole for hot water that you placed over the butter to warm it up. I see a few of them on here... The black metal man that you put money on his hand and he feeds himself with it.

We used to have the magnetic robot quiz. I've actually got one here somewhere that I bought about 15 years ago. We also had a horse racing game called Escalado. It had a mat that was clamped to the table and painted lead horses.
this is a memory that I have shared with few. Now there will be doubters and I will not tell you how I did it..but remember the "how high/far can you pee" contests? A male domain. Well my best friend (waves to neil, who I havent seen for 40 years)laid down the challenge and I won. It was innocent fun, and no way would it happen today.
Can I have the name of the game please and I will see if I can source one somewhere, maybe from trademe. I recall a horse racing game too but it wasnt with lead horses. Will have to keep thinking about that one. I do remember a basketball game where you shot hoops from a flicker. I know you can get pocket versions now. 1200

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