Monday, January 15, 2007

part 22

well a 1961 vintage here October 1961 which makes me just turned 45 -see profile!!not bad for an old chick!! Oh I remember the Geddes Dental ads. who remember "It takes a theif"? with Robert Wagner and "Jason King" and home made pikelets made on the solid element of the stove. Home made lemonade (which i still make) and home made gingerbeer with the exploding bottles!! We always had brunch on sunday with Mums beautiful corn fritters,fried bread,bacon,eggs etc. Sunday tea in the summertime was always boiled eggs and bread and butter and pikelets and jam.
yeeee haaaaa

we had the gingerbeer exploding bottles as well.. piklets to die for was how mum made them .i still do a mean piklet as well. so must of really watched her back those days. I also loved the rubbery hearts lollies and the blackberry and strawberry wine gums... blackballs and those imitation cigarettes with the red end to them. Thought I was soooooooo cool strutting round with one of them poking out of my mouth, I wonder if they are still around now?
do you remember the conversation lollys
Anyone remember G Fizz? It was white sherbet in a packet with a red lollipop. I worked at Aulsebrooks for a bit packing them into boxes. See where leaving school at not quite 15 gets ya? lol

My sister liked Princess magazine and I liked Turok: Son Of Stone about two Indians lost in a valley with prehistoric dinosaurs. I used to buy that comic every fortnight.

I beat the smoke scene. Read this. I always had to take my bro along so that he would be able to pimp on me should i meet boys, hahahah Well i was 1 step ahead of my parents. I took my bro along and he always wanted to sit in the front row. Me. of course wanted to snog in the back row, so i always checked what time we were having interval, and 5 mins prior to that I would hop about 5 rows from front.Lights came on. my bro would stand up and look for me and there i was sweet little innocent me. waiting for him with his ice cream money
Remember being 6 or 7 years old... and being allowed to go home because I had forgotten something, just imagine that happening today !!!
Sand saucers are great, cheap fun! You take an ordinary saucer, fill it with damp sand and stick lots of little flowers all over it. They always used to have sand saucer competitions at flower shows! Such fun!

any of you familiar with English sweets? probably with the U.K food and sweet shops now!! Not then so this was a real treat .I used to receive a card round about October from a kind man one of my dads ex school mates who adopted me as his niece because he had no children and on it he would say "darling there is a parcel on its way to you" OOH I used to wait for that it would take 10 minutes to get all the sticky tape off and inside were all sort of goodies sometimes slippers one time a little handbag with stickers on it but it was the sweets inside also various kinds including ...Rowntrees gums and pastilles Bassetts liquorice alsorts and wind gums fox's mints Lemon sherbetts smarties like mm's sherbet liquorice sticks and something that is now sadly off the worldwide market Callard and Bowsers dessert nougat.I did share them with my parents!!
SAND SAUCERS were sand heaped up on a saucer and you decorated them. flowers ferns & diddy bits. we had them at school gala's also had doll shows with a tin in front of your doll and people put a penny in 2 vote..
we used to get what my grandmother referred to as "care parcels from home" which also included real scottish shortbread. However because it came by surface mail and even in thse days the post office handlers werent gentle it was crumby and stale. Still think of those boiled sweets that came in tins too.

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