Monday, January 15, 2007

part 21

we used to watch seven brides for seven brothers then go out the back of our neighbours and pretend we were lumberjacks,jumping off shed roofs into piles of newly mowen grass.getting stick insects and scaring each other with them,putting on gumboots to go to school so when we crossed the horse paddocks we didnt get sh!t on our feet,stubbed toes,bee stings,walking home from intermediate school so you could buy 3 potatoe fritters with the bus money, hiding when our dad had to dig a hole and empty the bucket that was our toilet on waiheke...the smell of jeyes fluid
DON'T FORGET... go to

Early 60, cool for a guy was measured by how how tight the bottom of his jeans were--- "like have you seen Jims 9inch bottoms" That was bad cool as in bodgie where as good cool would be Beach Boy style
alison durban and playing the 45 on my little player belting out i have loved me a man LOL.
the blue stuff you used to put in with nappies to make them look white (how did that work)my mum cooking up chips for all the neighbouring kids only if they helped peel the spuds first,those heart shaped ice creams,black cat bubble gum,broken bikkies,the free playground that they had down new lynn for the kids to play in,hot pants,minis,white boots,cook street market
pictures we use to go to the pictures at paeroa sit up stairs and throw jaffas down could here them roll right to te front and drop our ice creams on to kids heads go looking for mushrooms they were as big as dinner plates, also use to get fresh water crayfish things take them home light a fire inside bricks and cook them those were the days
What wasn't fun was the little shed down a brick path away from the house with the long drop in it, and having to use the potty at night and then empty in in the morning :-( My poor Dad had the unenviable job of having to empty the long drop. He must have really hated doing that.
I remember the tea coupons you used to get them in the packets of loose leaf tea."pettycoat Junction" "Greenacres" "Maxwell Smart" "The Black & White Minstrel Show" "Val Doonican" "roger Whittaker" Bill & Ben The Flowerpot Men & Weeeeedd" home made dough made out of flour salt and water and kept in the fridhe in waxed paper.Empire bars,hokey pokey for three cents.bobbing for apples at parties,pin the tail on the donkey,the board games you got for Christmas like ludo,barrel of monkeys,pick up stix and my favourite -"Twister"
buying fresh crayfish in Birkenhead and having it wrapped in newspaper to carry home.The Edmonds Jelly advert with all the little ferris wheels filled with jelly and boats going round and round with wobbly jellies on them, Colgates "ring of confidense" ad and also the one for blue clinic shampoowith the two sisters and one had the really long blonde hair -just like me!!Homemade "chinese" that I used to gag on but had to sit and eat the lot or I couldnt get down from the table.

Candy floss and kewpie dolls on a cane from the Easter Show in Auckland.

Oh, those kewpie dolls were great, they had glitter for hair. Remember trolls -they were all the rage.

Wash you hair, too clean for dandruff too clean for dandruff, with....Blue Clinic Shampoo. I've marrying Marvin.. Marvin doesn't know it yet, but he's gonna ask me, cause I'm using Dove's 7 Day Beauty Plan...

Easter Show Days. back then the whole family would go along and we managed to have a great feed off all the free food samples that there was offering. Also we would come home with free detergent and many other samples from companies. Nowdays it costs so much to go in and you never get anything free. I remember playing the put the table tennis ball in the clowns motuh and coming home with a plastic comb as the prize. Riding the ferris wheel was the excitement of the rides, with the riding horse merry go round being the 2nd. Candy floss on sticks. dolls on can walking sticks, hot dogs dripping in sauce. I used to gather all the phamplets from every store and then throw them away once I got home.
Remembered today that my mother used to smoke with a long plastic thing with her du Maurier cigarette stuck in the end. Was so gross. Was it a filter ? all her friends had them. Was so funny
dont think it filtered sanything but it prevented your fingers from going brown. Buggar that the teeth stil went brown though.. Mum had an ashtray that had a little button in it and you had to push the button down to get rid of the ash
I did the samte thing at the show...grab all the freebees, After all if they were being given away they must be worth having, right? I also remember those ashtrays, they were made of bakelite I think. my grandad died when I was 9 and he was 84 then. He smoked a pkt of Matinee a day all of his adult life and died of something but it wasn't lung cancer...

Gene Pitney.....Loved him and saw him twice in concert. Was so sad when he died lasst year...Town Without Pity..

Dad used to smoke Capstan 10 cigs I remember geting hold of 1 and smoking out of the bathroom window, being caught by dad and he made me sit at the table and smoke one in front of him I had to inhale it as well. nearly choked to death on it. Seemingly he thought i wouldnt go on smoking again.l. hahahah i smoked from 13 till about 25...

Broke my denture Broke my denture woe is me what can I do ? Take it into Mr Geddes and he'll fix it just like new. What's the address what's the address hurry please and tell me do Top of Queen St., on he corner and the number's 492.
Great!!! I did that posting some time back here but couldnt remember the ending re the address hahahah now u have got it stuck in my mind here I am humming it now lol lol
anyone remember the show HAVE A SHOT!!! There is also the name John Maybury or something like that thta keeps popping into my head but i cant figure out what sort of show he was on

I'm a newbie to this thread, so guess I'll have to tell you my age first up.... before anyone will talk to me ... July '68 makes me nearly 40 I s'pose. I remember the plaster of Paris dogs that were the 'prizes' in the school lucky dips. Popsicle iceblocks being 3 cents each. Being able to walk home from primary school at lunch time & have a swim in the Para pool, even when I was all by myself. Disappearing into town on my bike with a friend during school holidays & not having to be home until 6pm. *sigh* all the things kids miss out on doing these days, huh. That's why we moved to the country while our kids are little.... at least they can enjoy being kids for a while longer than their urban cousins.

I had been working 6 months in an apprenticeship when you were born. I had already experienced getting drunk. Getting speeding tickets. Smoking pot.. and Ahem.. sex.. lol
RUBBA DUBBA ding ding, whose got the wedding ring or sumting like that.. used to tease kids that were boy/ girl friend. not sure of the words but
Im a 54er (but not 53 till Dec). my sister (haha shes on holiday so wont be on the MB) was born in 59 the year I walked over the harbour bridge for the opening. Went to the opening of the airport at Mangere. That was exciting for a kid. Wahooo. My partner is a 1950 boy and he remembers going to the opening of the airport as well.

My hubby is a 1951er As a teenager he had a Mk 1 Zephyr convertible that had a keg on the back seat with hoses that run to the front dashboard with little handles to put your glass under and fill up your beer. Imagine having that'd get hung for

July 1968...The Vietnam war was humming right along and I was in the forth form at Hagley High...I left in August when the school hols started even though my 15th birthday wasn't till Sept 30th. Truant officers never came looking for me, I caused so much trouble at school they were probably glad to see the back of me.
I remember my father getting done for Drunk In Charge. He did pub crawls whenever we went out, we never thought anything of it at the time.

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