Monday, January 15, 2007

Part 20

Adding some to those already here Laceynz I can remember those dance places mostly went to the Monaco. Can anyone remember the Coffee House in Titirangi as it was called, Mt Atkinson where everyone used to go for snuggles, once my brother and his friends opened the car door and took off with my bra, put it on the car aerial and went around Titirangi township being the time most were arriving back from town, did get it back Living out in the sticks used to have a vege man in a truck come around once a week, fresh warm bread only on Sundays. I started work as a dressmaker in 1965 and my wages for 40hrs was 4 pound 6 and 4 a week the wages are not much better now right down the bottom the lowest wages available….Dentist in Titirangi Mr plowman and he sure was…I went to Glen Eden Intermedite as a brand New School for the 1st 2 years it was open, no swimming pool there then..More to come

yeah the bistro was one of my hang outs too. I think it was about 1968 I hung out at the Sorrento. Remember the guy Robbie on the door.? We used to go to the dark room, lol my friend says it was on the left, but I say the right.

Robbie on the door he would have scared a few away with his looks. 1968 was the year I was going as well. The straight girls felt safer on the left with the trannys so that is where I used to hang out.

The trioka.. Hungrry Horse... Pi King..
El Matador El Cortez reataurants..Pine Song..The Fire Brigade Balls at Titirangi and Laingholm they were so good..I can remember the old steam trains in New Lynn filling up used to watch from the overhead walkway, the old Delta theater....I also had a lemon angora coloured bolero, my Nana made for me, had pink ballerina wallpaper and a mauve candle wick bedspread when changed my wall paper to mauve, that I paid for when I started work, and loved as did not have very much not much money those days..
trannies....I don't think we had them down in Chch...well if we did I don't remember seeing any...probably wouldn't have recognised one if I saw one...I'd heard about them over at Lyttelton but never went near the place in those
I used also go to the Physodelic Id and another I cannot remember somewhere around where the library is now---Purple Onion I think.
Bistro Bar People were scared to walk past because of it,s reputation. Truth said at the time "One of the most notorious pubs in the world and the place all seaman headed to on arrival in port. A great place but you had to be on your toes occasionally.
Wellington Vivian Street was the tranny centre of NZ with around this time Carmen and Georgina Beyer in attendence. Carmens Coffee Lounge being the centre.

And oh how words change tranny used to mean transistor radio, gay was happy and free, rubber was an eraser. No wonder I always cause laughter. I remember I did not know the alternative meaning to tranny and I told my daughter I was going to get my tranny to take on the picnic. They sniggered and giggled and I couldnt underwstand why.
Palmie North Yep Uncle Sam's had the best burger's to get when you are rather Sunday school..... yep made to go every sunday morning YUK. I have certificates that state I attended 100% and at the end of the year as a reward you got a bible... year after year. Except one time I got a story book (religous of course) QEC yeah I got suspended 3 weeks before the end of the year (3rd form) went back the next year (4th form) and after a few weeks got 'politly' asked to leave for good. That was my education..... hehehehe. I never got no leaving school cert either. I really was a good person..... honest I was. I was a rebel for a reason!.

Misty Blue Good God here I am again this morning after leaving off here @11pm last night, where have I jumped straight back to???? Yup here. yes Misty. I remember most of what you mentioned. I lived In Mt Roskill till I was 21 and got married we lived in Green Bay (titirangi) for the rest of the time till I moved down here to Kapiti Coast. I remember Titirangi area very well. We used to hire a bach in Wood bay with a long drop!!! OHH pooooooo smelly as
Coffee bars in 60's sitting around singing fold songs. Peter Paul and Mary, The Seekers. PN Coffee Bars that I remember were Sorrento (seemed to have the same reputation as the one in Wellington) Nicoberg owned by Vic Holmes(?) referred to as going to see Vic in the Nic.Toasted sandwiches, ham cheese and pineapple. There wwee several coffee bars/lounges trying to remember the opposite the Cossie Club in Cuba Street near Joe Sing Photography. Help think it was owned by the King family. The Old Dutch in the Square. The Broadway Milk Bar where the bodiges and widgies hung out owned at one stage by John Watson. Ah the memories. Really how innocent we were. Racing around the sqaure when it really was four squares after stock cars in our Minis and 1100's evading the cops.

remember when I was going to primary school we were encouraged to collect tea-coupons and give them to the school as a class by class effort each week. The class with the most coupons won a shield for the week. also there was a shield for the most well-behaved class. Ours never won, because it had rowdy boys in it - and me!

I remember the pinesong very well it got burnt down do u remember that. the gold range was there which was great fun, now they have put retirement places there. Shame really it was such a lovely spot. The El matador and the El trovador , the hungry horse in Elliot street, also Smith and Caugheys when we purchased something there they would send the money and a docket up on a rail thingie and then the office would send it back down with the change in it. lol...
. Hey my 1st pay packet was 6 pounds for a 40 hour week as a junior typist in a saw sharpening company in Cook Street. that was lots of money in those days and it sure lasted a while

Ngaruawahia Music Festival First on was Corban Simpson and he said " It,s so F***ing hot" and took all his clothes off and did his whole stint starkers. What a way to start, uni sex showers, swimming in the nude in the river. Pat Bartlett saw it in the paper and complained and he was prosecuted about 12 months later.

SANDSAUCERS and doll shows at central normals gala days. anyone remember them.

I loved Bunny Walters & Craig Scott. My Mum went to rock & roll dances with Max Merritt - she's got heaps of pics of them together - just mates ahe she's. Actually she often got kicked out of dances for doing r&r apparently LOL

Max Cryer...I remember having him as my English teacher at Otahuhu College in the mid sixties
Tea coupons.....forgotten about them. This is bringing back many lost memories. Or well filed anyway. I was too young for the sorrento bar then, sorry guys. 68 was just starting high school. Purple onion was in cuba street I think. The place was in Willis St.

I knew a girl from Wellington who was a dancer
at the Purple Onion. I went into Carmen's years ago when my friend and I went up to the Nth Island and hitchhiked from Wellington to Whangarei.

Who remembers the little Wade ornaments in the Coalgate toothpaste boxes? Little animals that are worth a bit now.

Sunday Trading Dairies had to cover over part of the shop on Sundays. They could sell as many 3lb bags of sugar as they like but not a 6lb bag, paint was OK but paintbrushes were not, inspectors used to prowl around. No ad,s no papers no bread on a sunday.
my G/parents toilet was on the porch too, but my Poppy had put a door on the porch so it was just being in the house lol.The darn porch floor was old & splintery though - I slid on it and got about 40 splinters in my bum! I lay over Mum's knee for 2 hrs while she picked each one out! OWWWW!!!
Palmy I've not read all this thread yet. But will I was in Palmy from 60-63 and went to Freyberg high wanted to go to Tech but wasn't allowed to. I wasn't even meant to go into coffee bars because they were 'decident"(sp)I used to sneak in though and thought i was doing something realy bad.

nala I married an American and moved to Texas in the 1980's and they had a silly law there that was similar called the Blue Law...couldn't buy certain items on a Sunday, Didn't make any sense either.
The Day of the Triffidson the radio, scared the hell out of me, used to run flat-out at night putting the milk bottles out so as not to be caught by a triffid. You need a few years under your belt to remember that one.

I remember that joke LOL told my kids it a few yrs ago & they looked at me like I was a bit mental hahaha #846 always went to Hays roof, every Christmas, had to see Father Christmas & play on the big dragon slide LOL. My Mum worked with a lady who had survived the Ballentynes fire. She said all the doors were locked & the cashiers were all expected to save their tills!! The soles of their shoes were melting as they tried to get out the windows - absolutely HORRIBLE!!

anyone have Milk Biscuits at school? I remember when I was at Sommerfield Primary, we were the guinea pigs for a batch that had been produced to send to Africa for the starving children. They tasted REVOLTING & I remember thinking how awful to be a starving African child & having to eat those things!

bridgeway movie theatre in northcote where you had to stand for "god save the queen" before the movie & if it was your birthday you got a free packet of chips. used to rollerskate after school evry day and walked home @ about 6pm every nite completly safe & always bought a newspaper wrapped parcel of hot chips for 5c on the way. going for your gym badges @ school, bronze, silver then gold & my idols were "the chicks" and in love with craig scott LOL.

and the annual rice bowl appeal for Save the Children Fund. It was sposed to make us understand what it was like to subsist on that amount of food.

Mum and I went to see The Day Of The Triffids when we were camping at Kaikoura in the mid 60's, at the little local theatre there. We were camping around by the old wharf and had to walk about three miles to the pictures. Coming home we were pooing ourselves because there were no street lights around the bay and we were walking past all the Matagouri bushes. We were I bought that movie on TM last year...still gives me a chill.

some things wern't so great tho can remember as tho it was yesterday...i was 5yrs old in primmer one and got the strap for eating a "chew bar" in class. they were yummy jaw breaker choc bars. also i got the strap AGAIN in primmer 1 for forgetting my current affairs newspaper clipping 10 days in a row...shame.
Remember the musicals y Fair Lady ... Borgy and Bess ... etc.. Remember all the Westerns.. Rawhide.. gunsmoke etc and war movies were aplenty as well.. Love stories like no other.... Those were the days .. There was a song called that.. lol

I remember getting my first washing machine, It was the sort that the clothes would get caught around the wringer and the clip would pop open and it would just go round and round until you stopped it and dragged the offending article out, it also used to brake all the buttons off the shirts, boy it was a massive upgrade from that to the old twin

i remember getting my first signet ring and all i did was went wow and couldnt stop looking at it on my finger, it was awesome , then i got my first watch when i was married the first time round, and i still have it to this day, it was a semi automatic calendar watch.
I never used to wear shoes around at home
and i always wore straight legged pants and a jersey with a top hat, it was the cool at that time.


Tenaakoe said...

Vic Homes of the Nicoberg Coffee Lounge passed away yesterday. I saw him about a week ago. You wrote about going to see Vic at the Nic - I can remember doing that as well.

Tenaakoe said...

I forgot to mention that I had my wedding reception there back in 1966.