Monday, January 15, 2007

Part 19

yep but home many of us lasted there thou..... hehehehehe. How many got suspended or expelled from QEC? No other high school would take kids if you got kicked out of QEC. lol.
think i got a lot of fillings at the murder house that i didnt need though... didnt we all. my favourite programme back then was puffinstuff.. that boy was sooo cute.
we used to play Hopscotch and elastic twist skipping, jungle-jim and for a short delicious time in a new school made a horrible mess in the classrooms because we dived onto gummy tree stumps covered in sawdust until we were forbidden to do so. secret game amongst a strictly trusted group of girls was divulging snippets from a hi-jacked copy of "The Perfumed Garden" found in the attic of one of one of my friends houses.
went to a primary school in Balmoral and there was heaps of rocks in the playground. I remember so clearly us girls used to take flour and mix it with water, also we took cotton wool so that we could fill the holes in the rocks and pretend we were dental nurses. OMG when I think back about that
aucklanders remember. Beatle Inn. Oriental ballroom Shiralee and the Top Twenty and the monaco???
elastics yeah i was no good at that as i had glasses.. a very styly 'winged' pair i might add that dame edna would be jealous of... and i always tripped over the elastic.
I used to love playing dental nurses we would sit on a rotten log and drill holes in it and pretend they were teeth. So what did I do for my first job? Was a dental assistant. Reaction to first op when a guy had all his teeth out was very helpful I fainted and ended up amongst the oxygen cylinders.
Did anyone from Wellington hang out at the Sorrento coffee bar.

Knucklebones...I was good at that Especially catching flies haha. elastics on the footpath.. Leap frog.... Ah the memories I played dental nurses with corks and wax that was left over from my mothers indentations or whatever they were called when the dentist came home to fit mums new teeth LOL. I had lots of little drillers from the dental nurse. It was so fun and so girly
Got expelled from qec 5 days b4 xmas holidays. for swearing at george the cleaner, sexy jenkins the art teacher and I think the straw that broke the camels back was when The prefect told me to pull up my sox to my knees and when I wouldnt she bent over to do it for me and I kicked her in the mouth with my knee. I sat at the mongoane (sp) stream so that the folks didnt know.

i was born in 56 and remember when i started school and had to have a sleep on my mate in the afternoon. lol just reading akll these have bought great memors back to me.i sometimes said to my wife i wished we could have bought our kids up then. if i was good i could have marmite and chip rolls for my lunch so that did not happen a lot lol.

just remember going with my mum to get her hair permed.. they heated these big metal things and put in her hair.. wow they stunk.
night all

eh. same sort of playtime activity. hahahah darmooz, that perm stuff really stunk back in the good old days. God.. i really must close this laptop and go to bed i said i was about 15mins ago and here i still am.. lol
Astoria Ballroom in George st. Remember it well. Practically lived there. Worked out the back of the "ponderosa" making burgers for a while. That was just a few doors down from the ballroom. Remember the ole Opera House as well..
PN people the dances at Newbury Hall Only went to Balls at the Astoria. Who else remembers when Uncle Sam's first opened in Pioneer Highway. First hamburger "joing" in PN.
Uncle Sams....Use to get half a chicken and chips to eat on the way home after the pub. Had a girlfriend who worked there so spent a lot of time there.. lol
The Astoria had all the bigtime bands there most
weekends. The place really rocked.. Hot chicks everywhere. It was like heaven...

Dad built a double long drop. There was a seat for us and one for the bigger people. I remember some of the grafitti that one of my brothers had written in it..."Don't just sit there, don't be slow, be like Elvis, Go Man Go!". It was a sad day when my brothers pulled it down decades later.
elastic we were playing this game one day at school and this girl called lucy was playing and the elastic broke in her nickers so after that we all called her lucy elastic and that thick drink of milo and milk every morning yuk

I got a watch for my birthday and...being a good "Catholic girl" I'd turn my watch back a few hours when I'd go "out", so when I got home, I didn't feel guilty that I was late!

The Sorrento was in Ghuznee street, people look at me in horror when I say I hung out at the Sorrento, but by todays standards it was very tame. All we did was dance, no one even offered me any drugs. For some reason it had a bad reputation. It was owned by Johnny Koolman, he used to drive around Wellington in his gold cadillac .
us kids in the neighbour use to wrap up a piece of wood in a real parcel tie fishline to it and put it out on the road hid behind the bush a car would stop just up the road to come and get it and by the time they got out we had pulled it back in we never got caught that was fun out in the country
Another day to ponder over what has been and what is still to surface... Remember Sunday school? Does it still exist or have times changed. When I was a young fella back in '57/'58 I was in the lifeboys. Just like the marines. lol. Got to wear a white sailors cap but also got suckered into bible stuff. The sacrafices we had to make back then aye.. But the sailors cap looked so cool, even if it was 3 sizes too big for me. Remember the triang Toy factory in Auck. They had big rubbish bins outside full of toy parts and seconds etc. We did our xmas shopping there for free. haha

The Sorrento was my main hang-out Sat until about 4am. Started at the Bistro Bar---kicked out of there at 6pm closing time then hang around until 8 for the Sorrento to open. Smuggle in booze, Linda Koolman on the bar---trannys on the left sde--straights on the right and drugs if you knew who to ask. Police used to raid the place and smell the drinks. Have to wear hearing aids now because of the noise.
The serial at the movies was great... Kit Carson gets shot by Indians, falls off his horse, slips down a cliff and is hanging by a twig when the serial stops and a voice says 'don't miss next week's exciting episode of..KIT CARSON' and all us kids would

We used to go to the Century picture theatre in St Albans...Chch. (it's been a Supervalue for years now) All around the walls were huge colour portraits of glamourous actors/actresses like Joan Fontaine, Jack Hawkins, Dirk Bogart. The Governor General Sir Bernard Ferguson and his wife and son came there one day...we all stood in a line and clapped them all the way to their waiting limo or whatever flash car it was. Till this day I've never understood why they came to a little suburban flicks show like that.Probably trying to get a feel of how us commoners entertain ourselves.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Hell was on the left and Heaven on the right!