Monday, January 15, 2007

part 18

remember 'Wipe it on ...windowlene. Wipe it off.....windowlene. Thats how to get your windows clean......blah blah. ' AND "pinky bars are right on top....Lets eat a pinky!' haha forgotten the middle bit but they stick in my mind. Suspenders and stockings that resembled uncomfortable. With witches britches to cover the gaps!
Remember shops like Butterfields who had a 'pay as you wear' deal. That was before they started calling it credit.
remember when a roast chicken was a treat on Christmas day.. school milk made you barf.. and..and the drinks - Cold Duck, Horses Neck, Blackberry Nip, Poulet Poulet. Hop beer (OMG a kid couls buy it at the dairy - ) oh and WHAT were supermarkets ??? we had the corner dairy 10 wine gums for a penny - thruppence for a movie and Icecream.... bread (wrapped in greaseproof or in a paper bag) milk (in glass bottles) and ice was cdelivered !!

It was 'Pinky bars are right on top, you're sure to like it cause it's got...marshmallow centre, chocolate's the bar for you...
those pointed shoes awful and bad for the feet never wore them but liked the square top shoes
The first supermarket near us was called
Selfhelp. my sister's friend worked there and she'd show off a bit cause she got 2 pound 2/6 a week.
The old cars my dad had...I wish I had them now...Ford Prefects, Vauxhall Velox, Austin 10, Austin Cambridge.

I remember Mum slogging over the copper...That must have been awful in the summer! She had 8 children before she had a washing machine or a fridge! and we had home made icecream and it was a real treat! also in Springston we had a cow and we had so much cream and butter!! I love porridge with thick cream and soft brown sugar! and nowdays I have it with honey, molasses and ground seeds to get me healthy!!!!
parents used to wash clothes in the copper. Then there was a large concrete tub beside it where mum rinsed out things in We used to head off to town all dressed to kill for the big day out in Queen St, in my dads Standard 10
-Patent leather shoes Yup -finally got some RED ONES with crepe soles- I told Mum that they fir when they were way too small -they nearly killed my feet but I was going to have them come Hell or high water. I remember seeing "The Chicks" n a girlfriends t.v. who used to make pom poms using the two circles of cardboard with the hole in the middle?? and you wound the wool round through the hole and tied it off the cut around the edges and cut off the cardboard.Easter eggs in the lovely egg cups being pulled by a bunny or a duck??

katy i dont remember the train in nelson but i do remember biking home from school in upper moutere on my raleigh 20 and stopping to pick up bunches of peas off the road and sitting on the roadside eating them. they had dropped off the talleys trucks. eww and i so remember malt extract. still cant figure out why it was supposed to be good for you lol. mum was real mean and got the one with cod liver oil in it YUK!

My mother had a washing machine for about two months once till dad sold it to go to the pub. She washed all our things by hand the whole time we were growing up. I wish I'd helped her more but I was just a little kid and didn't realize how hard life was for her then.
we had a copper it was great the clothes were beautifully clean and my mother used to get so frustrated if the mangle caught the clothes . We had two concrete sinks.

Anyone remember riding the trams down symonds St Whats about this jingle. Broke me denture broke me denture tell me what can i do. Take it into Mr geddes and he'll fix it just like new

Cold duck. Expensive stuff it was at $1.00 a bottle. There was another called Brother Dominic which was equally as bad. We used to get threatened with being sent to the all saints orphanage...frightening prospect for us. Hugs to are a survivor.

You go downstairs and forget when you hit the bottom. You come back up then remember....and so it goes on. You ring someone on the phone and forget who you are asking for when they thats embarrassing. I do remember On the good ship Lollipop by Shirley Temple though. haha. And playing all my Mothers 68? records. The big thick ones.
closest school was Takaro, thats where all the kids from All Saints went to.... then I went to live back with my mother... after a few years in the orphanage. Remained at Takaro then onto Monrad Int
any other palmy people remember the train going bissecting main street? We lived on Ruahine between Church and Ferguson and I can remember the whistle of the limited as it left PN at about 10pm.
Ugh I used to ahve a desert spoon of cod liver oil every day but at least it was followed by same quantity of rose-hip syrup and what I am very grateful for now I had to take a nasty tasting flouride tablet each day.

id forgotten so many things till i read this. i remember mum washing in the copper too and dying the wool that she had spun in it as well. someone spilt cold duck on our carpet during a 70s party and it wouldnt come out for love or money. does anyone remember fiddlesticks i think they were called. i think they came with iceblocks? they were blue yellow and red plastic interlocking sticks.
I still do my Arithmetic the old way.. Adding, subtraction, division and multiplication. Arithmetic = A Red Indian Thought He Might Eat Toffee In Church. Only way to remember how to spell it.

tobacco all the Fijian workers who used to go to Motueka and harvest the tobacco which continued into the 70's. Loved the smell of the leaves drying in the sheds when we did a school trip out there but I only ever had two puffs of one cigarette. Plenty of passive smoking though.
We used to live around the back of English park
in St Albans, Chch. We had a gang, about five or six of us girls. We made masks to wear so we could raid the neighbours fruit trees and no one would recognize us. Only trouble was, one of our gang had platinum blonde hair, the only girl with hair that colour so we got caught every time.

for some strange reason i loved the taste of flouride tablets and took a whole heap one day much to my mums disgust. i remember liking the taste of match heads too.. im amazed in hindsight that ive made it past forty lol.
I thought he ate turnips in church LOL...
Captain Pugwash, Gigantor, Thunderbirds, The original Dr Who and Lost In Space ?
oral mental arithmetic tests and reciting your times most of us can do them still but wonder if any of the present generation can in their head. Pre calculator..the slide rule. still have mine somewhere.

mum used to grade tobacco and i used to go and hang out in the grading sheds after school... lol can you imagine taking your kids to sit in a closed room full of tobacco where everyone was smoking as well thesedays? the fijians were lovely.
I used to love Aspros They used to come in little pink packages all attached in white paper. Mum had to hide them cause I'd eat them like lollies..strange kid!

I also remember when we had a cough or cold we had to drink "dynamite", chemist in rangitikei st made it up. sure tasted like dynamite too.I went to central, intermediate normal and qec. john humphries was a wonderful memory from intermediate. so wish I could find
What games did you play at lunchtime?I remember cowboys and indians. all walking around with arms around each others shoulders in a line. Oranges and lemons.... 'We are the busy bees to do some work...' Bullrush....

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