Monday, January 15, 2007

part 15

And those obligatory studio photos that *every* Mum and Dad seemingly had of their kids perched in a row from tallest to smallest. These took pride of place on the living room walls, it seemed. with me, it was only one person, because I was an only child...Ha!
it looked like cardboard from where I stood, kept thinking it would get blown away in the wind! Yeah, I suppose they would be damned heavy too, haven't seen any since the '70s, but sure remember the colourful effects they had on otherwise drab houses.
I bought Dromorne linen - still have some too although hubby doesn't like the frilly pillowcases
I so wanted a Raleigh 20 but I got a girls' Healing Lowline instead - remember them? And I wanted a Chopper - I fell in love with a guy who rode one and thought Choppers were THE coolest things out! I remember buying bread with a white paper wrapper around it, and eating the middle... and aniseed balls and wheels, and chocolate peppermint frogs! I remember my mother buying a WHOLE BOX of them and we ate them in about a week! Hanging on the clothesline as it spun around, catching skinks, those were the days - guess I'll have to ask for the book for my birthday!
Porcha Faces Life, Stop Light lollies (bag fulls for farthing), Aunt Daisy and the light up her back passage. Ahhh those were the days

we had both - ducks on the lounge wall & a butterfly by the front door hehehe - Most of the adults in our house smoked & there were ashtrays on stands with little round shelves halfway down. The a/tray had a button in the centre which you pushed down & the ash would disappear under a lid thing - used to get a clip round the ear for pushing the thing constantly LOL kept breaking them.

lol - did you never play that game? And yes, I remember the ashtrays very well - our neighbour had one where you spun the top and the butt and ash would disappear into the bottom.
and the dunlop fieldmaster tyre ashtrays i've still got mine.

... my mother used to beg me let my skirt down 2 inches, (days of the mini), and I was a married woman, well, between husbands!!!
I wanted a raliegh 20 but ended up with a blue lowline that my Nan got at Smiths Auctions - she practically LIVED there LOL was alwyas buying boxes of stuff without really having a clue as to what was inside - must be where I get my clutterish ways hehehe
remember the tyre ashtrays too! Neighbour had one of them as well... Dad only had a huckary old tin one and a huckary, lopsided clay one I made in Standard 1.
LOL - I've still got the lopsided ashtrays I made my mum - & I don't even smoke LOL Not sure how I ended up with them.
Hi to all the QEC students.... Actually it was QETC when I was there. A rebel without a cause I was... Always in trouble.. Doc Spurdle.. lol. was always in his office.. Percy Coleman was the expert with the cane... Became friends later on when I painted his house roof for him.. Tony Hunt was our form teacher.. maths teacher.. See him in Foxton every time we go thru there now..
The "I'll show you mine -if you show me yours" one. Always done behind the dental clinic, with another kid as a lookout (bribed with lollies, money or a ride on my flash raleigh 20), or on weekends done in the toi-toi - ow! Sore bum!

I still have a heap of the old True Romance magazines from late 60s early 70s here. I remember Shirley Flight air hostess books.
"leader of the Pack" "teen Angel"

have *stacks* of those old romance mags too! Bought some from here and saved the rest from my 20's when 2nd hand bookshops were my main stop! My partner said they were becoming a fire-hazard and has stored most of them in a heavy steel cupboard!

I remember being into Holly Hobbie .. my Mum even dressed me as one when I was about 6! But then she also had a paisley pink/orange jumpsuit thing and I had a matching minime one. Choppers were cool. Reileigh 20s were also. Bartabullet sandshoes, the jeans with the white stripe down the side, feather earrings and waistcoats. Bullrush, spot light, making huts. Spending all day in the sun and the beach, leaving home at 8:30am and returning at 5pm without any problems happening. Really sad when you think about today's life!!
I think about the mid fifties to the mid seventies nd all the changes we went thru. Man on the moon. Veitnam war. Decimal currency. Womans libbers lol. sex drugs and rock n roll. Car ownership .. etc.. I remember wailking across the brand new harbour bridge in 1959. I remember our brand new TV in 1960. TV started at 6pm and ened at 8pm.. Rest od time was just a test pattern that we sat and watched for hours. I remember going to see the beatles in Auckland... Ridinging in a brand new PA Vauxhall. cool.. lol
but if anyone has old photos from this era could they put them up please? I have, but I'm a complete dummy and wouldn't know the first thing about 'how to'. Right, now I'm off to bed, truely... Night everyone!

We have a museum here in Mangakino That has thousands of photos and memoriabilia from the 50's and 60's... Especially with regards the damn construction etc. Well worth the visit. Our local library has a collection of old local newspapers for the 50's and 60's also.. Intersting looking the price of things then..
Wow Mangakino has a mueseum?
Funny that I still have my whole collection of Famous Five & I also have my "Dan Dan The Cremoata Man" plate lol

6 O cklock ClosingJuggs of Beer 35 Cents and Petrol 39 Cents

I used to sneak those True Romance mags into my bedroom. I was so naive back then. They never went "all the way" and I often wondered what happended LOL I was thinking the other day about our birthday parties, remember the traffic light sandwiches ? lamingtons, rainbow cakes, and all the food and drink seemed to have copious amounts of food colouring. Were we hyperactive because of it ? Not sure, was always outside playing.

My favourite Christmases were the ones when I was a kid. My uncle would dress up as Father Christmas (not Santa) & give us all our pressies. We always got a wee wooden crate of jaffas made to look like a miniature crate of oranges & a big shiny apple. And usually only 1 or 2 pressies - not 10 or 20 like some kids seem to get these days. We'd eat a big roast dinner sitting outside - my grandparents, their siblings, all their kids and all my cousins & me - so many ppl LOL it was such FUN!
One of my earliest memories is the smell of my father's car. It was a british racing green Jowett Javelin and it smelt divine. I was about four.

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