Monday, January 15, 2007

part 16

Remember the Red, Blue, Green and Gold House that you had in sport, I knew red house was always in the lead at our school so I told them that I had to go into Red house cause my aunt and uncles had been in it when they went right thru their schooling so they let me in lolI remember having to get my school shoes resoled!! Not like the throw away ones now. Mum used to knit all our jumpers and make our clothes cause they were so dear to buy. Used to dress me up in goddam awful "twinsets" (knitted jumper cardy on top) and these yuck "pleated kilts" yuck. My daughters would "die if I did that to them" At 14 I asked Dad if I could get my ears pieced twice (1981) and told no cause I'd look like a "slut" He got such a shock when he came down at Xmas this year and both myself and 14 year old daughter had our navels done!!

No seatbelts back then either and drinking and driving with you kids piled in the back was totally acceptable. I rememebr Dad being "pulled up" and the cop saying "Have you been drinking tonight sir", with us all bouncing around in the back and Dad going "yes officer" "Oh well sir best you go straight home then!"

remember at Otara intermediate we had 20 mins to sit and eat lunch then had to do organized sport for 40 mins. That was our lunch hour.. I was a cycle monitor in them days so that got a few privileges to get out of a few things.. I guess nowadays I would be called a nark.. lol.. Hey wait on.. there are some who do call me that on here.. old habits aye... haha
Our bread was bought once a week those huge square loaves, the mnonly thing that kept it ewdible was that we mostly had spaghetti which at least put a bit of moisture in it. School milk I was one of the strange ones and loved it. Wo wonderful to go back in memmory
Anyone remember sargent dan the cremota man and being forced to eat porridge for breakfast
yes but we had scotch oats ! LOL I remember my mother had one pound a week for groceries, my father earned 5 pounds back then and they sold their house in 1965 for 5000 pounds (thats $10000) wow wonder what its worth now. and.. we always had to have a chubby loaf, hated it, had that huge round top and made the sandwiches look like door steps, I wanted a tank loaf and my friend mother could cut it really thin. Did you ever buy the bread and eat the middle out of it by the time you got home ?

Aunt Daisy. "Well, Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning. When I got up this morning the sun was shining right up my back passage". Road Services buses. Anyone travel Napier to Hastings (or vice verca) over the two bridges! You just had to sit in the back seat to get the full effect. The 'Fleapit', (did every town have one? Not its real name ~ but who remembers the real name?) on Saturday afternoons to watch the 'shorts' & the 'serial', before the main feature. Don't know how we ever heard the film, there was so much noise from all the kids.
Lil' Tuppence dolls 'mon girls from the 60's. Who remembers these dolls? They were the most popular dolls around. I got one in 1965 when I was 10 and if I close my eyes I can still conjure up that feeling of looking at her face for the first time. We were dirt poor and it was the first new doll I'd ever had. I don't have that same doll still but I've collected them (off TM) for about 3 yrs now.
A few I recall are fingernail and handkerchief inspection at primary school; placing a card in your window if you wanted the drycleaner to come in and collect your drycleaning and the Salvation Army, on the back of a truck, playing Christmas carols on Christmas morning.
I got to sit on the Nun's knee n the primmers so I could see the pictures first in the book she was reading the class because my mother had died [I was 5] so I got spoilt a bit.
Christmas puddings with threepences in them here would always be one sixpence and we scoffed down as much pudding as we could just to find it. Had to give them all back to mum anyway cause they usually came out of the weekly food money. We were poor cause dad was a boozer. Hair washed in soap and newspaper for toilet paper. Imagine having to do that today?
Mu brother was an icecream boy at the rystal palace in Chch. My auntie was an usherette at the Tivoli. She was a hot number, peroxided hair and a leopard skin coat, she had married and divorced three husbands in her life, pretty much unheard of in those
My brother shouted mum and I o see Johnny Devlin at a concert in Chch. I can remember bits of it, the teenagers got some excited they tore down the barriers in front of the stage. It was in either 1958/59. I was 4 or 5.
ELDERADO CHOCOLATES came in a huge box with if I remember rightly had 6 trays. wow they were real chocolates. yummy yummy
got the biggest package of fish and chips and a donut for a shilling for school lunch. Teacher who hounded a girl in my class all year, called her "chook" because her parents ran a poultry farm and was really cruel. I still feel bad that I didn't stick up for her but I was terrified of the man. First pay packet-$25.
CHICKEN licken and henny penny. riding in a side car to church.. looking for fizzy bottles on the railway lines in Pnth. then off to the restaraunt down by the cafe de paris.
Skippy,When the Boat Comes in,Naked City,Route 66 & Dr.Kildare..
Does anyone remember "Richard Diamond"The very first detective series on NZ TV.. Imagine watching it now... lol... My first pay packet was in Jan 1968 and it was a whole $12.50 for 42 hours... Apprentice carpenter.. Mates all went to Longburn freezing works and got $25.00 a week. I still beat them to buy a car tho... Drunken hoons they were...
Naked City...I loved the cop Adam in that I had a thing for older men cause I was only about 9 then. I wrote a letter to Tony Curtis at about that age....he never wrote back, it broke my
Old TV shows..... Arrest and Trial, Untouchables, Maygrey(sp) Willian Tell, Guestwood Ho, National Velvet, Lorna Doone, Rin Tin Tin, McHale's Navy, Sir Francis Drake, Robin Hood.
Follyfoot Batman and Robin,Romper Room,Beauty and the Beast with Selwyn Toogood!
Selwyn Toogood Now there is a true Kiwi icon. "Should he/she take the money or the bag?"
remember the Dad and Dave on 1YA station?
Also rememember mum making all my clothes. No label thingies then. I had skirts with stiff petticoats under them. I would get on a bus to town with the family and you would know where I was cos the crinkle crinkle of the stiffness made such a racket. The more stiffness the petticoat had in it the better. heheh I halso matched my skirt with I think they called them choir boy blouses?? Maybe not quote the right name but something like that. I also had smocking stitch on many tops as well. All this dressed up for the BIG day out in town with the family, all set off with my plastic sandals hahaha. Off to K.Road for me Adams Bruce Ice Cream and mums Maderia cake. yum yum
Bunny Walters?
Bunny Walters I remember well...he was around Larry Morris era as well. I think both thoses singers ended up in a little strife if me memory serves me correct here
got picked out of postbag and had elected the bag got a portable tv set on the anniversary show after a gap of 10 years. Sold the set which was big bucks then and paid for a third of a trip to Egypt.
Has any woman on here suffered the emotional trauma of be denied patent leather shoes and those boleros that were knitted from angora wool...I sooo wanted those but nooo I was not allowed them even to go with my "party" dress which if truth be told I hated anyway. However, my youngest sister was allowed them. *goes off to corner to sulk*
you were famous for 5 minutes. Yep, I would have done the same and sold it to use for a trip to Egypt.
A tuppence doll, had none of these, but one of my friends definately had a whole drawerfull! Remember meccano (sp) and torro sets. Spinning tops, marbles...oh boy the fun I had with those - got as good as the lads!
Sorry i wasnt lucky enough to be denied patent shoes and bolero... wish I had been lol. but back then mum made all my clothes and basically did all the knitting for me. I didn't know any better so appreciated it. but now!! can u imagine kids if they haven't got **the** label hanging out??
Marbles Now I can remember in the playground playing this with the boys. I was a good chic so I was told at playing this. Always came to school with me hand made marble bag full of bonzos and steelos and went home with heaps from other kids hehehe
Yeah! recognised the handwriting and the way I'd laid out the stamps so i knew it was me before it was opened! Mum did even better she appreared on an earlier show and won a cruise in the Pacific Islands didnt take me took dad! My auntie appeared on the predecessor to Its In The Bag was a radio show maybe 1959 or early 60's where questions were awarded a certain amount of mileage. She was well down the list and Selwyn had virtually dismissed her but then she went for a grab question with maximum mileage . It was to do with flying saucers and the book had been discussed with my uncle the night before so she won a 10 day trip for two in the South Island !
inherited some marbles from an old friend of ours and has now started collecting them...have thought about making him a marble bag. Did you have seasonal games such as knucklebones, marbles, four square etc. It was amazing how everyone knew when it was time to switch.
Yes we had knuckle bones, hop scotch but I guess my main achievement in the games dept was the thrill of beating the boys at marbles. I kept many of them and when my boy was old enough to play we drew this big circle in chalk and i taught him my art of marble playing lol. I still have knuckle bones at home now, and sometimes my daughter who is 31 when I go visit her and we are bored we have a go at playing that lol.
getting smacked across the knuckles with a ruler if you got a spelling word wrong. we had to say the lords prayer everymorning. and LONG DIVISION yuk. my kids have calculators for school now.
I've just found........some old books, records & magazines. No year on the mags but one of the articles was when Liz Taylor married Nick Hilton Jr. Must have been "40's or 50's". Anyone remember Bill Wolfgram, the records I have are of him singing.
bullrush boys against girls. that was fun. and tackle rugby non of this nancy pancy touch stuff cause little jonny might get hurt
stiff petticoats remember those stiffened petticoats under little girls dresses the more the dress stuck out the better!
getting smacked across the knuckles for reading a comic book under the lid of my desk, while the teacher wanted us to do comprehension.
I had many smacks across the knuckles for many things. The nuns were real good at doing a bit of the old smacking bit. The strap was a classic as we would hold our hands out over her chair and when the strap came down quickly pull our hands away and the crack sound would be the strap hitting the chair back. I also got a whack across my back legs at singing, cos I was standing there miming the words and sister came along and WHACK!! hehehe never stopped me though.
read my 778 post, re the stiff petticoats. Cor Blimey!!!thought I was christmas I did lol
Geggs Jelly Oh we ate so much jelly reflected by four albums full of those beautiful bird cards and I still use them to this day for reference. Fortunately I was/am an only child so no fighting as to who got them.

One of my teachers in hindsight was particularly cruel. He made it clear that he didnt believe in strapping girls but if we were bad enough we had to choose a boy to take the punishment. In time we worked out for ourselves how evil that was and so we behaved.
Bullrush was so cool. We were brought up all as one really no mamby pamby stuff. If the girls got hurt and started to cry they would get laughed at and just carried on. wipe away a few tears and get back into the game with vengence. lol

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