Monday, January 15, 2007

Part 12

made the awful mistake of calling some poor bloke, with the typical brylcreem hairdo, a bodgie, and my grandmother made me apologise "for omitting to behave like a lady", and she sent me to the naughty corner to consider my behaviour. Years later I learned that she told him if he persisted in walking around looking like a turkey cock children would make fun of him! He must have been all of eighteen. I was 9.

horrible uniforms at intermediate and high school (70's) Emma Peel cap to wear at High Shcool. Oh so fashionable. If ya ball went over the fence.... you knocked on the neighbours door and asked if you could get it, and it didnt matter if it went over 20 times you had to knock 20 times to ask to get it back... or else you got a walloping.
the Bodgie and widgie days hahah I was into them big time. Used to meet the bike boys outside the Majestic theatre in Queen street all tarted up... oooohhhhhh
Does anyone remember the midnight to dawn dances?
When they closed ~ usually about 5am ~ we would get a 'pea pie pud' each, from the piecart, and go up to the children's playground to eat them. Sitting on the children's swings (under the age limit sign) to eat made us feel quite wicked. Nothing comes close to a pea,pie,pud these days.
ehehehe so true laceynz the fun we had back then, remember using the phone box and tapping out the numbers to ring someone, the old partyline that u had in your house and listening into others coversation or just being a pain and picking up the phone and saying 'working' and the person on the other end would say 'yes thankyou' gosh the manners we had lol, i got away with alot of cheek but not so much now, u have to chose who u can give cheek to these days

Words that have changed I sometimes worry that words are changing meaning so fast that I might say the wrong thing. Sad dont mean sad, gay dont mean happy, pot dont mean saucepan, cock (as in $551) dont mean turkey and on and on. Wonder if they will leave us any of the English language to use.

I hated this bein done 2 me as it hurt like blazes My mother used to SCRUB the back of my neck for all she was worth - thinking my tan was DIRT! Like hello couldnt she see that it wasnt coming off.... She would SCRUB and SCRUB....
Pea pie and pud the pie cart in ch ch after the dance, so good, you never got into trouble, great times

I meremember buying hipster jeans and sitting in a hot bath so they would shrink hahaha. Like that was ever going to happen. Then I would dry them out and have to squeeze myself into them. God how gullible I was back then. Mum always washed in a copper back then as well

there must of been piecarts everywhere we had one here and everywknd after work we used to go get a pea pie spud, now they have finished i make them cause hubby just loves them, i not too crazy on them though but still i do make them.
were you an immigrant then? Remember arriving? Came out on the Dutch liner Willem Ruys which later became the infamous Achilles Lauro scene of a hijacking in Egypt was later renamed again and then she went on fire and sank.. Came via the Suez canal in 1959 . Rememeber the delightful breakfast menu which offered to a kid sheer joy ..grated chocolate on toast!! The yobs who threw overboard all the ships rocking horses they had had on board for years bar one. Steamers in Southhampton and again in Australia and having to walk up the gangplank to the kitchen because the main one had been lifted because our tour bus to the Blue mountains was late back and we nearly missed the ship. After arrival in N.Z arriving in Nelson and being given half a crown by a kind lady who just happended to meet me by chance at Nelson Airport. Probably long since dead but thankyou:-)

we used to always have a feed of fish n chips on a friday night after 6pm when dad had come out of the pub, my brothers and sisters used to dare me to take dads false teeth and take them into the piecart and show them, i always took on a dare, gosh poor dad lol, u could drink and drive those days and not worry, we used to go 20mile back into the country and dad used to sing and yodel till his heart was content, he used to stop when he seen a opposum on the road and make it get onto the side of the road, we had some great times back then

Which high school did you go to in Chch? I went to Hagley. Used to enjoy hanging around the square after school...nearly always someone would report us because we were seen 'out of uniform' (not wearing our hat or blazer)
my dad use to own the pie cart in hastings that was parked opposite the police station, and my grandfather owned the other one in the 60's so i know all about piecart food

gosh some of you had fun out and about my father was very religious, as in very very.. I was not allowed out after dark. I badly wanted to go and see the Beatles, he nearly had heart palpitations with me even asking. Apparently I was a rebellious child. Goodness, I think I was just a questioner and didnt like the stupid answers I got. Sex was never mentioned in our home. I had no idea how babies happened till I was about 11.
sex was never talked about in our home either was given a book about periods to read at some stage. learnt more about sex by telling jokes in the school play ground
I remember you were only allowed a bath once a week and it had to be shared with my sister. If you got warm milk at school you were lucky. Nuns put ours in front of a heater so close the top of it was burned. You were so close to being sick if you had one of those in winter.Some kids were sick. UGH.

Although I had an older sister NOTHING was talked about. When I got my first period I was given a folded handtowel to pin in my pants as there were no pads in the house. Oh the shame and trauma of it all.Needless to say, my daughter knew all well before time.

Went to T' Town dances and Teen Time as well. Also went to the town hall ones. These were all in Dunedin.As we got older we went to the Ag Hall dances. They were great. Loved The Inbetweens but was biased as they were mates of mine.
My sister used to run to the toilets and stand on them so the teacher couldnt find her, the school would ph my mother to come and find her. LOL she hated school so much.

school lunch -that smell! ..golden delicious apples getting old in a leather school bag in the locker-room -yuk -still can't face eating an old apple! marmite and walnut/marmite and lettuce sammies and the pong of hardboiled eggs mixed in with the pong of hot sandshoes!

Lanes emulsion I thought I was the only sorry bugga that had that stuff put down my throat ...thanks for bringing back the nightmare , it was like snot in a bottle
Did anyone have the Bondbrush man? such slimey men. Sometimes my mum would make us all hide when she saw him coming so he thought there was no one home when he knocked on the door.

"Chairbags" when you began in New Entrants I remember my Mum making me one. Also sitting on the mat at the front of class for some lessons and it sticking in to your skin-they were those horrible seagrass things. Quissonnaires? (sp) and each colour meant a different sports and the three legged race or the sack race.Going to "Farmers" late night on Friday in our pyjamas and dressing gowns!! or buying our new vests and undies from there and wynciette jammies -I can almost smell them.I remember going up to the top floor for afternoon tea on occasions and riding the trikes and pedal cars.

who remembers the pedal cars going to your school so u could learn the road rules, they were set up on the tennis courts and arranged into streets, we would all have turns driving them and a few of us at a time, for some reason i would always drive on the right hand side of the lanes lol there were bikes for you to ride there as well

No i went to high school in Reefton, the other think i remmember was having a feed of green apples and then getting a dose of caster oil, yak i can still tast it

I feel for you!!!! And yes chalkiej, I remember we didnt even lock our doors at night. And someone else mentioned playing out on the street at night...we lived in a cul-de-sak and the main game was "go home & stay home" Everyone played until the drunk fathers turned up when the pub closed and it was all over rover. Aaahhhh those were the days!! Walt Disney movies on at 6.00pm on Sundays, Daniel Boone and Davey Crockett!!!
Sliding down the grass banks in the snow on old tea trays.

when you made a toll call you had to go through tolls and talk to the operator

Navy blue school knickers, yuk!

old ladies with blue hair rinses appologise to maisys granny.
just been able to talk my mother out of a blue rinse. Why blue ? I mean how unnatural is that.
here is janet here is john, janet is running, john is running.

This is Janet This is John Hello Janet hello john!!! All this done in my plastic brown sandals. black gym skirt white long sleeve blouse and a tie. School pananma Omg... how awful!!!!!

the strap comes to mind ouch lol ah but the boys loved getting it from "henry" Henry was famous at our school, who would of thought that a peice of leather could have a name AND get you thinking eh.
come janet, come john, look janet, look john john i see a aeroplane, dam those story lines and books are so clear in my head, yes and we all remember them.

remember the big red star u got when u did excellent work or the blue or the green stars, and when u got your homework marked u got these stars put besides the homework. I remember being pushed by a boy into the swimming pool at school when i was just five, i couldnt swim, but my teacher pulled me out and I got a big red star for being the first one under water, not by choice though hehehe, and i really havent liked water since, so no still cant swim damm

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