Monday, January 15, 2007

Part 11

dental clinic.... The Murder House...It was one of those times there was NOTHING to be gained by having a name being with 'A'....the dental nurses had hats on like the Flying Nun would wear...

ou have had once traumatised childhood. Yes I remember the vesty things. They werent singlets (I had to wear them as well) they buttoned up. The buttons felt strange and would melt if the iron touched them. Oh those damn skirts. Pleated skirts. Mum was a dressmaker so I had oh so many!! Then progressed into those awful horrid gymfrocks for school. I cant wear wool against my skin as it makes me itch and Im very uncomfortable. Those things made me itch and were so unflattering. Twinsets, aha. Dont forget the pearls. Nice big ribbons in your hair. If you were really lucky you got to wear those straw type white hats on special occasions especially the ones with the big ribbons that dangled down the back.

Wow! Memory lane!!! Born in England 1964 we came here December 1973, I was 9 years old. I remember tapping the phones as mentioned in earlier threads, also re: periods, got mine in form 1, Intermediate school, didn't know what it was, Mum goes to do washing and sees, you know what? Treated me like a leper!! Got pads with the belt but luckily pads with stickers had just been invented (it seemed) I told her I saw them in a magazine ad, so got them instead. I made sure I didn't do that to my daughter. And me and 3 other girls in form 1 used to steal chips from the tuck shop and called it miracle, cause it was a miracle that we didn't get caught!! Another experience I used to make my kids not steal (not that I have told them this story though!)

dental clinic Do you remember the dental training school in Mt eden road. They had my name on their special list. There was a row of 30 trainee dental nurses. All had foot cranked drills. I must have spent weeks there.
You wouldnt get me playing that!! If my parents found out I would get the strap haha. Too shy for that sort of thing anyway.
Liberty Bodices Asado remeber them well. Do you remember the pleated skirts on white cotton tops with a pleat around them so they could be let down to get more wear out of them? Then gym frocks!!! i thought I was the bees knees if I got a shop made dress - my Mum made all my clothes

Tammy comics They were 15 cents each and we used to buy one a week at primary school. That was if the boat had arrived from England with them - sometimes you might get two in one week which was great. I think they were Tammy or Bunty or something like that. We must have driven the poor draper shop woman mad going in to ask if our comics had arrived. Then there would be annuals as well.
First washing machine came into our home in 1956 - a Beattie which had this red button on the side. Mum told us that if we pressed it the machine would explode. Took many years to realise that it was the emergency stop LOLOLOL!!!!

Same and they were never quite the same.. You (well I did) always felt poorer because your clothes were home made. You were lucky if you only had one tuck in the bodice haha. You hated the skirt and yet it would last until you were an adult just about haha. Especially the itchy ones! In Wellington at Intermediate you were bused off to the dental clinic. I must have had so much time out of school on that damn bus. They were training on your teeth. Sometimes three weeks to do one filling by then you had three more.

We used to have dripping sandwiches after a roast chicken or lamb etc. Terribly un-healthy but thay were tasty. Mum used to cook liver & bacon, yuck!! In summer we would have salads on our plates everyday, other times we would have mashed potatoes, mixed veges and just different meat each day, but same veg every day! Primary school, tuck shop would sell a piece of luncheon with tomato sauce on it! So many things that we all remember the same. Climbing over the fence to swim in the Glen Eden Intermediate swimming pool.
I hated the murder house those wooden chairs were uncomfortable and the noise of the drill. eeeeekkkkkkk I had a lovely tartan skirt with loads of tucks on the white bodice underneath. Hated it intensly. I wanted a bought dress with buttons down the front - god only knows why ! Luncheon and tomato sauce Ah a fav that I had forgotten about. In fact anything with tomato sauce was good. I always wanted shoes with heel plates on so I could make a noise when i walked. Goodness knows why!
i used to put dripping on my school sandwiches and yet i was as skinny as a rake lol plus add salt and pepper to it, yuk cant stand the thought of that now. Used to go down to the creek at the back of where we once lived and catch the crawlies then take them home, sheeee i hate the dam things now

that used to be so funny standing for the Queen, and when the movies were going i used to try and see if i could see my self in the mirror when there was one on screen hehehehehehehehe how dumbs that ;)

Boots. I loved the boots that were so fashionable in the 1960's. We sooo wanted to look like we were straight out of Carnaby St. I got my first pair of boots in 1967 when I was 13. I was strutting up Colombo St in Chch on a Friday night in my new boots thinking I was shit-hot when I slipped on the guttering and fell right on my
Mum used to fry up something in the frying pan and afterwards when the dripping went cold the pan and dripping would be hung up ready to use next time. Cooking classes at Heaton Intermediate we would have to wear little sleeve protectors that went up to the elbows.
nomads or trex's for school shoes, cool as and you would tie the extra piece of material on to your laces. Also the black jackets with while wool inside - cool!!!
How about music? I used to love Cream, John Mayall and The Bluesbreakers,..used to go to the World Record Club on Colombo st and go into those little booths and listen to the LP's with earphones on.

We used to join in with the PYM (Progressive Youth Movement) and go on some of their marches, protest outside the main police station in Chch and call out 'pig..pig' I used to think the student activists were so cool but later realized they were just a bunch of stirrers with nothing much else to
Dripping on your bread with salt and pepper wasnt that good, and the bag around your neck to keep a cold away, you cant buy that now,

Did anyone else get their mouth washed out with soap whenever they said a naughty word or answer back? Once after my mother had shoved soap in my mouth then left the bathroom I looked in the mirror and kept saying "bugg*r* and got the giggles because of the bubbles coming out of my mouth. Did anyone else have a tree-hut with a big sign on the front saying KEEP OUT. I used to love that old tree hut.
I got vinegar or mustard in me mouth when I
said a bad word. back then I only had to say dam and I got it. Lucky kids these days! wouldnt be enuf soap in the whole of NZ to wash out the dirty talk now.

oh no dont remind me. mother had to take me to get fittered for my first bra. was tring it on when the sales lady came and opened the curtain so everyone could see.....i didnt want one and refused to do pe at school incase anyone saw.
I didnt get anything put into my mouth but i sure did say alot out of my mouth lol no we just got the hiding with either the jug chord, bamboo, belt, garden hose, and i even got the half brush round my ass when it was the closest. My parents said that I always had to have the last say, and i still do hehe, when my father gave my sisters a hiding i used to let him know what i thought, but not like they do now adays but thats because i had to have the last say ;) dam georgee123 i can just see the bubbles coming out your mouth and laughing cause thats exactly what i would do, laugh my butt off hehehehehe, gosh where are those good ole ouch days gone
I was on here till 11pm last night and here I go again lol

i remember when my mother used to slice the bread at 10-11pm for us kids lunches, i can still hear her cranking the bread slicer around ;)

delivered to our door each morning. Mum would put this large tin with a lid on at our front door and yup every morning during the week the breadman would come along and we would have fresh bread. Well.. fresh to us then but I guess it would of been at least a day old by the time we got it.

Isoap in the mouth I did it to my eldest daughter, and it never stoped her she is just as bad,just love this post, brings back so many memories

gosh we had fresh bread delivered to our door as well and we used to fight who was going to meet the breadman for it, cause we used to eat the kisser as we called it and then blame the guy that delivered it to us lol
What about the old Steam Trains or milk in a billy or number please.
So 1950-60. Brought back so many memories, but they were being posted so fast that by the time I had hit the send button here there was about another 10 ahead of me lol.. But it is great to go back over stuff like this. ooops!! thats my age showing up here....
Childrens ward Nelson Hospital about 1961 or 2 I had to have my tonsills out and was intially in the main ward before the op then I caught a cold rather than send me home although I lived not more than 20 minutes away I was put into the adjoining small ward where the T.B patients were and which was the windowed room for fresh air. Poor little kids my friend about 7 next to me was called Dawn she had to lie still but was not yet then in plaster the others were imobilised in plaster from head to toe with the plaster cast split in two like a mummy case. They had bovine T.B (no T.B tested milk in those days). I felt very sorry for them they couldnt move but I was free to move around for maybe the week I was there . I know I had to join in school lessons which I wasnt very pleased about!!. I used to fetch what they wanted or attract the nurses attention if they wanted bedpans. I'd love to know what happened to Dawn anyone recognise the person and know? Dont know what her surname was.
I remember the time my father drove down K Rd and at nite and I asked him what was going on behind the doors where there were flashing lights ! and why were there 'ladies' leaning on lampposts - well that took a lot of explaining and he hummphhed and coughed and always distracted my attention and got the old 52 Morris Oxford up to about 100,000 revs to try and get along that stretch of road as quickly as possible.

all the Life with Dexter and KJ Wilmott lol.. Dr Paul.. heheh mum used to say they were for the adults only.. god they were so harmless compared to what kids listen and watch these days
oh the old steam train now that is something thati miss so much soo, it sometimes comes thru sth taranaki on a specials exertion but not often, hubby videoed it and then added music quietly in the back ground and gosh it takes u right back to childhood and yes the milk in a billy, my father worked in the cheese factory and he always brought milk home in a billy riding his ole dunga bike but he did that right thru till he was about 56 then he took ill with his heart, he is still alive but very slow at getting around, but he still drives his car.

Ex Palmie North'er here....In my old street (but now they have the odd gang murder.....) things were great..hanging out in our own little gangs lol.... playing cowboys and injuns.. climbing trees... riding old old bikes, going to the murder house, getting the strap every day... Anyone remember the HUGE old building in Pascal St opp the show grounds (was a orphanage) eating the white bread and just leaving the shell and saying that what they gave you in the shop when you brought it. Heading to sunday sch (yep made to go) plonking in the sixpence and taking back threepence..... or else stopping at the shops on the way and spending threepence... oh they were the days.
That was a no no area back then for us. We had a ford prefect. I remember we started at the bottom of Queen Street and it took us so long to hit the K'Rd intersection. 4 of us on board and the car putted its little heart out all the way. Dad always went the Symonds Street way home lol I wonder why???

we werent allowed to drink tea or coffee till a very late age of 15yrs but now adays kids drink this when ever they feel like it. My sister and I snuck out to get a saturday sport paper for dad, this guy came along that we knew and i thought he was a bit ok ;) so we went into town with him but my sister drove the car, she was 14 never driven before so no license but we got there and back, got this guy to drop us off beside a church that wasnt far from us and yes u guessed it, dad was there waiting for us with the bamboo, geez wayne we never got away with nothing and today kids get away with murder so to speak..

getting dressed up Friday night to go dancing, and then getting into the nurses home without the matron catching you,and then the bike shelter after the dance, makes my hair curl just thinking about it, ha ha ha

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