Monday, January 15, 2007

Part 10

Does anyone remember...wearing those Dowson's 'plastic' sandals to school.Horrible sole that picked up stones...they came in grey,brown and red....then came Roman Sandals...wanted some bad...but because I had the meanest parents(lol) in the world I had to suffer in PLASTIC sandals...
then came Charlie Browns.....and then Nomads....
...blardy grey plastic sandals and I don't think my mother heard me every time I told her about the stones...maybe I munbled or somethin'...
...and then my 2 "older" brothers got their roman sandals before I did. I think I had to wait 3 months for my roman sandals.....uuuum..stubbed toes...
Well you plastic sandal wearers...
I ALWAYS wanted the plastic ones to be like everyone else but i wasnt allowed them. I had to have black lace up shoes which weighed a ton I thought. I was permitted to have plastic shoes when I was a little older. Nice girly one that werent sandals and I thought I was the queen. You always want what you cant have. If you have curly hair you want straight etc etc
I remember my first expereince of knowing my friends family was rich and we weren't was funny now....Was when she came to school one day and had her lunch wrapped in "Gladwrap"...we ONLY had greaseproof paper....and her crusts were cut off and my Mum freaked that I would dare ask....

and Secret Seven and Famous Five...Go Enid Blyton...promise Im going but..
Oh Enid Blyton - I had all the books - read them at night with a candle under the sheets - god wot a fire hazard I was ! LOL and I loved the Every Girls Annual and comic books etc and I was so upset when they said that Noddy was gay. Wot a tragedy to happen to a girl, her favourite book hero having it off with Big Ears.
held torch between my knees ....I was gutted that Noddy was gay....I loved Rupert the Bear too....a bear with plaid pants and a scarf....
School lunch Trauma is when mum wraps your school lunch in the waxed bread wrapping and you dont notice, but all the other kids do.
Magazines....World of Wonder (for older kids), Pulp romance mags for women such as True Confessions, True Romance, Love Stories, True Story etc - these were considered raunchy in their day and Mum used to confiscate each and every one I brought home as a teenager! Does anyone remember these?
What about bread ? I quite agree "best thing since sliced bread" my mother used to cut me DOOR STEPS for sandwiches with ghastly strawberry jam in it and the sugar hadnt dissolved - yukkk it was so sweet and crunchy, i used to trade them for marmite ones. To this day I will NOT eat strawberry jam, hate it with vengance. Poor Aklbirdman, isnt allowed it either, cant stand the smell of it
Lil Lotta comics and Billy Bunter. I was allowed to order a comic book each week. Loved the donald duck, beagle boys comics. I wished I had kept some. I couldnt leave the house if I wanted too. Just investigated the noise down on the road and there is the biggest furniture truck Ive seen unloaded right across the driveway for the house across the road. I hope its not an all day job!!!
the wrapping from the SX bread...AND we had brown bread...HOME CUT...I remember the kids laughing saying brown bread was for poor kids...
oh home made jam....undissolved sugar grit....Coming home to tripe and onions or home made pork brawn for tea....
I hated Marmite.. give me jam anyday
Jam and banana was the fav but couldnt show anyone what I had as they all went black. If you didnt look and just ate they were divine, True romance etc....ah yes. I indeed thought they too were raunchy. Little did we know. Loved them, and the true murder stories. A bit grizzly but.... Secret Seven and Famous Five... Who else started their own little clubhouse with passwords etc. Haha how innocent we were. Off to make afghans and iron and polish. Hasnt really changed since way back when. Will check in now and then...
I read an article about bread in the 50's and it said that people that ate brown bread cause it was good for the bowels, were conned. It was just caramel colouring. And I had to eat the ghastly stuff, and cut into door steps, cause my father said thats all we are going to have in the house or go without. If only i could say to him nah nah nah nah he was wrong :( but he died before I found out
bedspread in the lovely gold of this side-bar it went beautifully with my dark stained bedspread and brown and white wallpaper and chocolate brown curtains. I thought it ws pretty cool.Your lunch box was NOT uncool and it had three compartments.Your schhol bag was leather and the boys satchels were leather too. Scool photo's were funny because many of the boys wore either a tie or a bow tie.They also had the grey wool pants and the wool sleeveless jumper,usually in stripes.Shirts had cowboys and indians on them or some such thing.
Dripping... wrapped in white greaseproof paper, if we run out Mum used to send me to the dairy. Brown bread - yuck, absolutly hated it! Demanded white - didn't get, Mum was on a real 'health bender' then.

and what did YOU get in your sammies?? Mum used to do grated carrot and mayonnaise -yuck. Mum worked in the school lunch room and occasionally we were allowed the lovely squishy roll with the whipped butter in it with marmite and fresh crispy crisps-still love that! Who remembers the hot watery cocoa sold at school in winter -usually poured out of those giant aluminium tea pots. and who was a lunch monitor?? cont...
Lunchwrap I had greaseproof but always wanted waxed paper as I thought the richer kids had that for some reason. Cold meat and tomato sauce was also a fav. I too was way overdue for a bra used to walk with hunched shoulders so no one could tell. When they mysteriously arrived on the bed one day I tried them all on (they were all the same haha) then put them in my drawer to remain for quite sometime. I knew people would be looking out for me to wear them so I wasnt going too. I was too embarrassed. At least I didnt look like Madonna!!!!!
Tripe and Onions what a gagging smell as we came home from school. that was terrible stuff. tasted like shoe leather.

Cheese and marmite (yum) tomato - ugh, went all soft and gooey, a granny smith apple, small pack of raisins, triangle of chedder cheese (that was 70's)
you used to order your lunch and put your money in the jar and lunch came back in brown paper bags. at intermediate in 1973 we were allowed to have a school lunch from the tuck shop once in a while and I remember those apricot pies with the big swirl of mock cream around the edge! I also used to be a lollypop girl at Primary AND intermediate.
'round wine, vanilla wine, super wine - Griffins! biscuits. Remember the ad on TV where that girl used to chant this?
you boys ? did you wear nice white Y fronts?
and the advert - with a hey ho pull em up, one two three, Jockey Juniors are for me !

knuckle bones were so cool Just loved them. those hard steel ones
Ew remember my first period Mum had the preparation for the big event down to an exact science. Brick like Modess feminine napkins which were inserted into a purpose made panty with a plastic loop holder! I've just read the other replys on this thread - yup memories!
Oh Dear!! I was born in the late 40's and remember all these things. The thing I hated most was the school milk which was left out in the morning sun until someone brought it in. It tasted disgusting.
Got married in.....early 70s...ha...not had to be on a waiting list to get a phone...washing machines..clothes dryer...fridge....just kept using the copper till the washer arrived....

Apricot Pies Lived on them at intermediate. After Dad did the upgrade to step Mum. I got Salmon on brown bread every day, add tomato slices and store in the heat till lunch time. more trauma. cant stand salmon on bread still.

and girls wore "cotton tails" cotton undies and always a vest (or a singlet as kiwi's call it) who had the tartan dresses with the white cotton bodice attached? you then just wore a cardi over the top or if it was hot,you took it off and had this sleeveless white thing with a tartan skirt. tent dresses were another thing -my sister -who was stick thin had an orange one with white daisies all over it -she looked pretty cool at the time.She worked at woolies in the holidays,selling snowfreeze!!
I was at school right thru the 60's and Mum used to sneak some flavour in my lunch box and I tipped it in my milk !! yummoo
Omigod!!! That happened to me too....Our Mothers were very similar in some ways. How horrid to have them between your legs all day. As for lunches... I was allowed to buy on Mondays as the bread wasnt fresh. Yes we had ours delivered as well as the meat. One and sixpence for a fish and chips. That was only from late standards through though. You didnt have a choice of what to buy, that was it! A bit different in the 60's. Marmite and lettuce, jam, lemon honey YUM, cold meat and tom sauce, hardboiled eggs, a piece of bruised fruit, a piece of homebaking and that was about it.
Play lunch, lining up behind the dental clinic and playing 'I'll show you mine, if you show me yours' Only a few select kids were allowed to participate - those we could guarantee would never tell. One kid acted as a lookout for teacher on playground duty.

I remember when my sister got her first wage packet from Woolies in Takapuna.she bought an englebert humperdink record!! I can still hear "ten guitars!!" also there was Mckenzies -opposite wolloworths in Takapuna and the woman out of "Close to Home" used to do the ads for it -cant remember her name though 500

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