Monday, January 15, 2007

Part 9

Anyone have chooks? We had a big henhouse & it was my job to feed them & collect the eggs. Went into the mash bucket one morning to find a bloomin' great RAT! Poppy chased it & belted it with the spade LOL. We lived with my grandparents as did my aunt & her kids after her marriage broke up - so was a full house. My uncle left home in his late 30's to get married!

We didn't get smacked very often as Dad was a big man and you did what was expected of you,no backchat!! if I did get one it was always with his hand.I remember having to polish our shoes for school too, Dad would always check to see if they were shiny enough.And kids Birthday parties-you always were dressed up in your best dress with socks and shoes and a lovely ribbon in your hair. Always remembered your please and thank-yous and friends parents were ALWAYS Mr & Mrs ..... never by their first names.

We had lots of honourary Aunts & Uncles To this day, I have trouble calling some of them by their first names LOL

All your parents friends were aunty and uncle this and that, and respect you knew to show it or your butt would be kicked later. Bottles of milk used to be 3 cents and you could buy smokes for your mum if she sent you down the road.. used to cost 2.64 for a packet of 20. Things were so different back then and on holidays your family were all together cause no one had to work businesses were closed and it was accepted and expected they would close. New Years Day was spent at the beach because way back then it was fine on New Years Day...

ah my trike, I had forgotten It was maroon and I thought it was wonderful as it was a chain bike and you could turn the pedals backwards. I recall my first slingbacks as they were called then. I had outgrown the gathered skirts and stiff petticoats. The stiffer the better I remember. My first pair of pure cotton, very boring looking bras. Hated wearing them as the boys knew you were wearing bras through your school shirt. We didnt need drugs and alcohol back then to have fun....whats happened to society?
HI Im Georgee123's partner

Was anyone else as dumb about bird 'n' bees stuff as I was ? and you want to know something else really funny.... when the Homosexual act was being proposed back in the late 60's, my father used to cut out the articles in the newspaper so I couldnt read them. He wouldnt tell me what a homosexual was! OMG talk about me being so greennnnnnn.

My first bike My big sister bought it for me when i turned 5 it was shiney it was blue, could never understand why it had to be blue but it was cool, it was my bike.. i guess way back then we were thankful kids, and didnt expect alot not like kids today, that bike and i have a great time, until i finally realized at 12 i was to big for it the day i went over the handle bars riding home from school. So instead of passing that bike on to my brother.. na. i hated boys back then. I took it to the secondhand shop and swapped it for a typewriter, the secondhand shop dealer wasnt keen at first, but every week i went and asked soon enough he gave in and i had my typewriter for college..

I'm sure there are many memories there too. I just looked at your profile as I see the partner is from Auckland (I assumed). You work with clivias I see. I am from Wellington and moved a couple of years ago. Thats one plant we dont see down there and I cant get enough of them. They are beautiful and we are in a bushy area so they look amazing with all the greenery. We just have orange but aim to expand on that. From childhood just remember fuschias and hydrangeas.... oh and dont forget the daisies. They were wind hardy!

What about the baking from back then...I remember my favs being my nannas cheesecakes from the Edmonds book. With pastry bottoms and cake tops with rasp jam within. Shortbread and a cake with pastry top and bottom, spread with rasp jam and cake inbetween iced with rasp icing. Dont know the name but it was yum. Butterfly cakes were common for afternoon teas with the best china. My nanna had little lacey doilies with beads hanging off over the milk jug and sugar bowl. Going into a secondhand shop brings back a lot of memories too. I dont recall when I learnt about homosexuals. Not til my teens I dont think. At college my army surplus bag decorated with amazing art from a guy at school in the art classes went everywhere with me. My bedroom was decorate with mauve. Mauve everything including fluffy moccaison slippers.

First days at primary school...getting showed the dunnies, regulation blue for boys and pink for girls, firmly told *Never* to enter the boys toilet - yuck it smelled foul anyway! They had louvre windows which were permantly open, so when all the stalls were busy and it was a rainy day the rain would pour through the louvers and soak you while you stood in line and waited your turn. I used to ask to go during class time when I knew I would be guaranteed an instant vacancy, or once tried to 'hold on' until I got home. didn't work - I wet my knickers and dress and had to go down to the sick bay with the teacher for spares. The whole class was watching!

When I was five My father made me a Supa trolley, brakes and all. Shortly ofter we moved from Milford to Mt Eden, My father told me that Trolleys were not permitted in Mt Eden Borough. So I was forced to give my super new trolley to my best friend before we moved. When we arrived in Mt Eden all the other kids had trolleys and raced down Pencarrow road. Now im not one to normally hold a grudge. But this was a big thing in my life. Im still traumatised.

Weeing in class... Know that feeling. I was an only child then with no contact with other children. First day at school, too afraid to ask to go to the toilet. Wet while sitting on the chair. The teacher growled at me which drew the attention of the class. Called the caretaker, hung the mat on the line to be hosed etc etc. Very embarrassing for a newie at school. In todays schools they have more tact. I didnt make friends for ages because of that I guess and my shyness. BUT what about that warm milk we had to drink at morning tea. Ah, just couldnt wait. It was a treat when the milk was late and it arrived still cool. Then it was a pleasure to drink.

Candlewick bedspread in MAUVE...I hated that thing..Almost as much as I hated my 'poncho' Aunty crocheted me a background with brightly coloured squares...looked like a spew after a pig-out on licorices allsorts....
Anybody remember sherbert?
Used to go down to the dairy to buy it (yummy!) sucked it through a straw, the sherbert was contained in a white paper bag.

I rose to the Dizzy heights of School Milk monitor, this meant I could get my supply at 8:30 am fresh and still cold off the truck.

Candlewick bedspreads YUKKKKKK they were the most revolting things every invented and such horrible colours. I had to have a yellow one. Looked like puke. I begged and begged for a different one, but Farmers didnt have much choice in those days - it was candlewick or nothing.

My candlewick bedspread was also mauve. I loved the way you could pull the fluffy bits out to leave bald patches haha.

My candlewick bedspread was a horrible pooey brown colour!

The sherbert I remember had a licorice "straw"..Oh and what about licorive straps. They were soooo good.

and I had ballet dancers on the wall paper o revolting. I wanted trucks, but Mum said, girls dont have trucks, you have to have girls things. She was always telling us "what would the neighbours think?" I bet they wouldnt have given a shite what we had on our walls.
Were we norty or wot ?

sherbet, YES! recall sucking it through a licorice straw though. Do you remember the black and white minstrel show? I remember they came to Wellington and I was taken downtown to see them. There I was given something to eat and the texture has stayed with me for years and years not being able to figure what it was. I was very young at the time. We worked out that it would have been licorice which makes sense with the minstrels being black and white I guess. I loved that show way back when. Gobstoppers were a biggy back then too. The bigger the better. Goofy gum. Bubble balls. Aniseed balls, raspberry balls and acid drops. Mmmmmmmm.....

Ah..sherbert...Gee Fizz.....plastic bag with sherbert in the bottom and a red lolly pop on a stick with which to lick,re-dip,lick it up.....little bags of pink lollies.."Smokers"

Who had a gollywog ? I did, loved it to bits, hated dolls.

I recall greyish curtains with little girls all over dressed in pink. I was sent to ballet but apparently I didnt excell too well so switched to tap dancing which I did for years and enjoyed it I recall. I can still tap dance my way around the kitchen when nobody is looking haha. The kids thought it was great. I remember my music box. I was fascinated that when you opened it a little ballerina twirled around on a mirrored piece. It was magnetised I think as I could take her out.

Quote from 'the book' that my partner found..."The only short guaranteed to cause a stampede was James A Fitzpatrick's absurd travelogues. Boos, stampings that shook the theatre. We even parted with our precious jaffas to hurl at him." We thought it was pertinent to enter this quotation as there have already been entries regarding movie theatres and rolling of precious jaffas!

I had a golliwog and an aunt jemima doll...she was white faced and when you tipped her up her dress was flung back to reveal a black head. Certainly wouldnt be acceptible in this PC society. I hated dolls too but someone mentined a walkie talkie doll earlier and I so wanted one of those.

I hyad a golliwog too! It was knitted, all of it, when it got dirty Mum used to wash it in the laundry tub!

I had a golliwog. A knitted one I think. Also had one of those topsy turvey dolls. When you turned it upside down it was a back mama type dolls with the gold ring in the ear and turn it the other way it was the white doll. Probably not allowed to make them now. Oh my goodness, look at the time. The news came on and I thought it was 10am. I have spent all morning here. Onwards and outwards for me...will check in later

Candlewick bedspread Now we couldnt forget those.. mine was brown and gold.. back then it guess it was alright but i couldnt than you for it now. Matched my college uniform lol.... I walked about the place so freely way back then i wouldnt dare to try it now. I loved school it was awesome. 450

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