Saturday, May 13, 2006

snippets April 2006

I just hope the body can keep up with the mind it is starting to show signs of ageing, on the 24th of April I had another birthday an other day older, but how things have changed around me, who can remember back before computers, I finished of my working life in 1974 working on big main frame computers, the biggest instilation in the Souther Hemisphere, for the Australian government, first in Canberra and then in Sydney. They had 3 big mainframe computers two were 32k and one was 16k, but they need 10 operators per shift, 2 tape librarians, a production control officer. Then there were all the programmers.....

I remember about them ...but no experience with them as such. I didn't get involved with computers until early 90's and only then it was for work and all DOS stuff. I was only 24 in 1974 so bit young I guess (wow that felt good saying that ...LOL)

who remembers Y2K we were blamed for its creation, we used only the last two numbers of the year, when computers were so old and ancient the least irrelevant information you used the more relevant information you could use, making the puter faster. I worked with Cobolt and Fortran, can't remember what those leters stood for. But hey back then live seemed simpler, loved making computer images, using different letters and numbers on different lines to make an image, the extend of computer games was a three layered tic tac toe, but how fast we have got where we are now. Thank or curse the pioneers.

I'm 57 but don't consider myself as old. I've got very few wrinkles, my hair isn't grey yet, although there are a few silver strands, I don't dye it, never will. I have 4 grandchildren and they, along with my younger husband, keep me young at heart. I have lived all over the world since 1966 and finally came to rest in NZ in 2000 when my husband retired from the RAF in the UK. I have had a wonderful life and an interesting one too, I've met people and made them dear friends, from all races, creeds and colours. I wouldn't want to be in my 20s in this day and age, the young seem to be so dissatisfied with everything and so aggressive. I love being my age.

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