Saturday, May 13, 2006

snippets 5

We came here first in 1961, sailed on the Orion, took 6 weeks, went back 2 years later on the Fairstar, that was a nightmare, all the kids on the ship went down with measles, our 9 month old developed Pneumonia as well. When we arrived in U.K. they let us miss Customs because the baby was so sick, wanted to show him off to his Grandparents, and he looked awful, all thin and spotty

My Mum was evacuated to Ludlow during the war. She even remembers the name of the coachlines that took her there and the name of the family she stayed with, pretty good considering

Lambs fry and bacon are just so yummy, and strangely all my family love it to. My son and his mates used to have 'lambs fry and bacon nights' where they would have a big cook up and a few drinks

Identifying the "old" You can always tell the general age of people posting to the 'board. The older the posters are, the better their grammar, syntax and literacy are! This system is a good measure of how the education system is failing New Zealanders.

Lambs Brains! Yup I used to cook them when my kids were little, you boil them first, then egg & breadcrumb them. Quite nice and creamy!What about oxtail stew? My daughter still reckons that was her favourite, as well lambs fry and bacon. Her hubby hates all those things so she has to come to ours for that. My dad was a butcher, and he used to get free meat(!!!)so naturally would bring home the best. Porterhouse steak or fillet, wing rib of beef (with my mum's lovely gravy)and they had a big garden growing the best of veges; scarlet runners, brussel sprouts, strawberries and rasberries even horseradish to make the sauce to go with beef. Makes my mouth water.

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