Saturday, May 13, 2006

Snippets 4

Came home from milking to a lovely dinner that 'himself' had cooked .. so OK I had prepared most of it before I went but he did the rest as he has this weekend off.. one of the drawbacks of me working every weekend is that our time off never matches.. but soon the cows will be "dry" and then I'll have a rest.. lol

Agree that we can spell a lot better than some on this mb, but I wasn't taught by nuns. Born in England in the late 40's, came to nz with mum and dad in 1953(saw the queen in Wgton when we hit nz)went to Wairoa of all places because my mum had an uncle there. Back to uk in 1956 for a year to see my granny who was about 86 at the time. Back to nz and back again to the uk for a year in 1962. I went to a Grammar school there and loved it didn't want to come back to nz, because I had a boyfriend there. You can imagine being torn out of his arms to go back to Wairoa in the middle of no-where. Communication was not as it is today, only writing, no phoning and email light years away. So that was it, my heart was broken. Wrote letters for about a year then I met someone, he met someone and that was the end ......until 1996..but that is another story!

we came from the UK in 1953 too. We came via Australia on the Maloja which was an adventure on its own. Arrived in Auckland on the Monowai 24th April and overnight train to Wellington arriving Anzac Day.

The one thing I love about the mature years is the true appreciation one can feel for so many things that just isnt so big a part of life when one's very young. I still feel very young, and behave the same way, but I love having that discernment and appreciation that comes with the age I am.

I remember the Monowai as my Auntie was a missionary in Papau New Guinea and use to fly to Brisbane then got the Monowai back home to Auckland while on leave

I have been on the Monowai think it was from Australia to NZ in 56- can't remember as I was only 9, but some of the other ships were: Strathaird,can't remember the one we came over on but have got pictures somewhere must dig them out, Johan van Barnevelt(what a mouthful) in 1962 and back on the Oranje both Dutch ships if you couldn't guess!!Never forget the ship life it was cool. The places we went to on the JvO, it took seven weeks to get from nz to the uk it was sort of a cruise. We went to Fiji, Papeete, Peru, Panama, Lisbon oh forgot Miami and New York. Was too young to really appreciate it but have happy memories.What a change to today flying there and it takes 26 hours,sadly can't afford Business class.

Our trip out from the UK in 1953 took 7 weeks too, but mostly due to engine faults etc. I also went on a cruise in '65 to Sydney, Fiji and New Caledonia on an old German troop ship. That was really good fun. We berthed at the Overseas Terminal and there was a special queue for all those bringing back TVs etc lol. I also remember when we bought quilted jackets from Hong Kong and hoped that customs would go easy on us. Those were the days, although these days are pretty good too :)

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