Saturday, December 04, 2010

I was also remembering that the chook we had for Christmas dinner was about the only time we got chicken as it was considered a luxury


I too remember making the decorations - paper chains with coloured paper & using milk bottle tops.

As an ex milk vendor Christmas Eve was hell for my husband. Everybody wanted cream (because they had forgotten to pre-order it) & he was always a couple of hours late home that night. On the bright side the cab of the truck would be laden with gifts from customers!


Putting a bottle of beer out in the letterbox for the postie & millkman.


My very first job, along with one of my brothers after school was being the milkgirl/boy...was all of about 12/13 years old..and the amount of alcohol that would be collected from the front gate, the week leading up to xmas was unbelievable! it would fill the milk truck with more alcohol than we had milk crates lol..Anything non alcoholic the milkboy/girl was allowed to keep, and anything alcoholic our boss kept..we also got the cash tips.


We lived semi-rural growing up - you know, the vege garden, fruit trees, chooks & outside dunny.
On Christmas Day the cousins would arrive & we would eat Christmas Dinner on tables out under the fruit trees & it was always a beautiful hot day.

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