Saturday, December 04, 2010

Christmas theme-Who remembers when......

The sallies would come around on a truck with the brass band on the back playing Christmas Carols & we would follow them around on our bikes like the pied piper.

Have to go up the bush to find a Christmas tree(before you could by them on the side of the road or petrol stations)

Christmas decorations were home made

The home made decorations - that's a very fond memory for me. :)
My Mum would save the milk bottle tops all year and in the first weekend of December we all used the caps on old eye drop bottles to shape them into bells. Then there were all strung onto string and individually knotted and were our colourful silver bells all over the tree. I really miss those times - I was 4yrs old when I first remember making the bells.
Mum passed away 16yrs ago today. I miss her like mad

I remember the sallies coming along our street, we would stand out there for ages listening before they moved on .

we used to make red and green crepe paper streamers for the tree.

we used to do that too! silver bells(full cream milk) silver and blue (homoginised) red bells (cream) and gold (was the orange juice).


I also remember when little being put to bed very early, then woken up at 11.30 pm to walk down to the local church for midnight mass...and then excitedly walking home knowing santa would be there soon...I remember they had the santa radar on tv and just as it hit 1am was around the time santa was just reaching nz


remember those days well, a much much simpler, less complicated time where families talked and read books


don't remember mum ever strssing about the Menu and the wine to go with each course...

I think it was a flagon of beer and we all had a wee glass with our christmas dinner


Not in my family - at least not at Christmas. Dad worked right up until Christmas eve and it depended on the tide as to when we left to Kennedy Bay on Christmas eve, or early Christmas morning - anything from 2pm on the eve, or as late as 3am on Christmas morning. The our gifts were out of cardboard boxes while everyone was blurry eyed and sleepy, followed by walking a dirt track above a cliff to get to the land owners home where the entire local community gathered to prepare then eat the massive hangi. The best wild pork always came from the local dope grower - who always got caught eventually, so some years he wasn't there. ;-)
But yes... I missed have decorations and a tree on Christmas day and when Daniel no longer pulls the tree down, I'll be going all out again - maybe in a few years.

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