Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In my 70s . Nickers made from the flour bags .sugar bags made into over cloths No fridges freezers. just the safe built on the cold side of the house. for meat milk and butter. Worked really well to. Butcher came delivering meat tuesdays and fridays. Fruit man came round once a week. Bread delivered mon wed and frid. Such big vege gardens. killed our own sheep and wasnt till in the 60s.we bought our first freezer and killed our own beef and pork. We lived 12 miles from the nearest shops. Mum washed in the copper. I am the 7th in the family and Dad got his first car and first washing machine the year I was born.

The butcher came in a van twice a week and if it was a long weekend he would call only once for that week.My mum would buy cornbeef then as that kept well in the safe .( no fridge )

Newspaper was used for the toilet and sometimes for a treat we would have the tissue paper that was used to wrap the apples in.Dad used to dig a hole and empty the toilet tin once week into the garden.

As a child i remember walking to school with my friends and a tummy full of warm porridge. Looking forward to the little bottle of milk we received when we got there. Getting a flick round the ear if i was cheeky. Playing pom pom, hide and seek and scrumping apples on the way home. Dad grew all our vegetables and we helped by killing the slugs and snails at dusk. Blackberry picking was a family outing and making preserves was fun. Walking 5 miles to the train station, each with our own suitcase, to catch the train to the caravan park by the beach once a year. The excitement at Christmas because we were allowed soda pop and peanuts. Making a wish whilst stirring the Christmas pud. Finding a sixpence in the Christmas pud. Cakes were for Birthdays and Christmas only. Shopping was done once a week and everything cooked from fresh. We also had a grocer visit our street once a week in a van. The milkman delivered daily. Butchers had sawdust on the floor. I recall the excitement of owning my own twin tub - it took all day to do the washing and you hung it out on the line or on an airer in front of the fire. Baths were on Sundays - strip wash during the week. No one had a shower except at the school gym

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