Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm in my early 50's:

Flicking the silver tops off the milk bottles
Bath once a week
Washing the cloths once a week
No fridge at one house and the milk was stored in a brick pipe buried in the ground
Went out saturday morning to play with friends and came home only for food or when getting dark (aged 7).
No TV, parents played cards and monopoly with the neighbours.
The radio was great.
The Archers. Kids stories and puff the magic dragon.
Only thought to lock the house when going on holiday.
Fresh bread on Sunday with lots of butter.
The 70's colours..Hot orange, brown, yellow often all together.
Pictures 10 cents and don't forget the Sherbet
Sand shoes and roman sandals
Making up games
Cowboys and Indians and cops and robbers
TV starting at 6.00 PM and closing at 10.00 pm
All the kids piled into the car with no thought of safety
At 5 I was put on a bus for school. The next day they had to chase me around the house before I would go again.

35+ kids in each class and all quiet
You wait 'till your father comes home
Clothes line made of one long piece of string with a post in the middle to adjust the height.
Black and white photos that you spent ages posing for
Stamps that you had to lick
Mum ironing clothes with the iron heated on the coal range
5c for a Whitaker chocolate bar and only allowed because we were on holiday
Mum painted the old Vauxhall green, and with a paint brush
Parents kept "secretes" from us kids. We were too young to know lots of "stuff" Now they know everything.

Making bowls from old 33s records. Put them in the oven 'till they went soft then you moulded them into shape.
Making carts to go down steep hills
Mum got dressed up for town

The school principal was always 85 years old.

Condensed milk was 21c and I would sometimes put it on mums "Tab" at the 4square and eat the lot then hide the empty tin.

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