Saturday, June 23, 2007

Children of the 50s, 60s, 70s, come in here again

70s chic first thread has gone - so lets start again. Who remembers - aniseed balls, gob stoppers, beatles hair cuts, minis - skirts and cars. Milk bars, Adams Bruce ice cream
what about: hot pants, witches britches, Deep Purple
No weekend shopping and the dairy was only allowed to sell certain things. I remember they had boards up covering some of the stock
It was safe for me to walk to the bus stop after work on a Friday night in Auck. city, and walk from one place to another on an evening out
Oh, loved The Partridge Family the original Dr Who and Flash Gordon
I used to go to piano lessons every week after school and go home on the bus - in the dark - never any problems. I was never scared
Milk was 4 cents a pint and you could get the best chocolate milk I have ever tasted in cream bottles. It was a real treat. I just remember the warm school milk, it went out of vouge just after I started school thank goodness. It was foul. Aniseed circles were my favourite lolly. Long hot summers, holidays seemed to last forever, none of the wishy washy weather we get over summer today. Best memories, lying on a bed of sweet green grass watching a fluffy cloud or two in an otherwise beautiful blue sky.
Dave Dee, Dosey, Beaky, Mick and Tich. Yea the summers went on for ages and I grew up in Dunedin. Always getting sunburned, then peeling and being white again.Picnics every weekend at places like Outram glen or Woodside which we re-named Woodstock.Drinking "Fluffy Ducks" as we got older, in the Fairfield Tavern when it was new.
We used to go flounder fishing during the summer - we would tie an old knitting needle to the end of a pole and try and catch a fish. I don't think I ever managed it - too slow. We didn't have to go out very far in the water to see the flounder.
ii remember when milk was 2 cents. my dad was the milkman and i workrd from a very young age. that was the days when milk was at your gate in time for breakfast
I can remember when the milkman used to come with his horse and cart (vague memories). My dad used to try and get the manure for his garden - he had this drum with the manure and water - it was disgusting but we had a great vege garden.
Big Charlies bubblegum, being able to walk to school on your own and go anywhere you wanted and feeling safe.
I also remember it being the days where the teachers could still give you six of the best. I had that so many times. and you know i wouldnt flinch. One time i did and the man teacher bought the strap down so hard i pulled my hand away and he hit his 3rd leg. when he recovered man i realy got it. Even remember going home telling mum and all she said well you should behave yourself.
Going to the 2pm matinee at the pictures. There were always cartoons, and a serial and then the main picture. It was a real outing.

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