Sunday, January 14, 2007

Children of the '40's '50's & '60s come in here!

Hi Baby boomers! Got a fantastic book today (from a TM auction) which is pure nostalgia of growing up in NZ in this era. Do you remember...Plunket, hula hoops, school cadets, the strap (ow I got that!) school milk, stiff petticoats, bodgies and widgies, rock and rollers, behind the bike sheds, winkle pickers, the flicks, old jalopies, the Bisto Kids, tapioca pudding, Lanes emulsion, junket, Sunday roasts, maltexo, Portia faces life, The Chicks, Lee Grant, milkbars. I'm glad to see we have a book of this nature which is NZ's very own!
carless days
gym frocks YUK
Was that Mr Lee Grant. He was gorgeous
Life with Dexter Radio was great... lol
the proper aniseed wheels teachers smoking around school. many times my teacher sent be across the road buy his smokes
sunday morning stories on the wireless buzz o bumble.
Lee Grant was a teacher in PN I knew him quite well.
Sunday bread Hot and fresh, that never made it home without a hole in one end.
zephyr convertables psychadelic fabrics
police bring you home with a clip around the ear, to scared to braek the rules after that,.
Church Picking up the sweet wee innocent chicks..
our maths teacher smoked in class. Had an ashtray on her desk. Mr Lee Grant was for my big sister i was more interested in Craig Scott and in The Inbetweens. Saturday night dances, C'mon, little juke boxes beside the tables in coffee shops, spending hours mooching through record shops for 45's to buy for my very own new portable record player and watching the boys hanging out the top window of manukau tech. Little 4pce packs of chewing gum, tt2's, oh i could go on all night.
We use to buy the fatty dregs from the chip vats for sixpence a bag... very tasty... Pamure fish shop
every sunday evening sitting in front of the old black and white telly to watch the wonderful world of disney....i remember when we got our first colour tv, i was so excited, i brought home most of the kids from my class un beknown to mum to watch big bird.
remember the boxes of broken biscuits!scavenging through for the choccie ones and the pink wafers!
That reminds me... Marching Girls... Loved them long legs and short skirts...
yep and that disgusting brown leg colouring the marching girls had to wear and if it rained they became pibald!he!he!
remember the incineraters in the girls loos to burn your pads
Ralley 20 bike
going to the store to get the square " packet wrapped in newspaper or brown paper!'Life with Dexter' Yep it was great back then & guess what, Yep I have married a man named Dexter & my life with 'Dexter' is great
Having to tuck the ends of the napkin under elastic that was in the crotch of special underwear you only wore at *that time of the month* and the napkins were SO bulky!!!! Witches britches, loved aniseed wheels, zephyrs, white knee high socks with lace around the top ('m a 60's girl)
used to rush home to listen to the Archers with my Mother. God, gym frocks, so hot and what was worse, my mother made mine and the pleats would never hang straight. Milk was always warm and ikky. Loved Lanes emulsion. Hated the castor oil. Imagine if we gave our kids that stuff now.
a boy in my form 1 class took his lunch to school one day in a 'Modess' bag! Us girls couldnt stop laffing and he didnt have a clue why were we laffing. What a cruel mother.
Hula hoops!!
how about one shilling to go to the movies..included 6d admission,3d for an ice cream at interval and 3d bus ride home. I remember the furor over the screenings of the movie mixed audiences and so my parents went on different nights. However my fondest memories are of playing outside in all weathers, making our own fun, doors never locked and often left with the keys in them.
yeah four-and-six-pence for a round of caddying on titirangi, hot chips sixpence, TT2, spearmint leaves, choc bombs, the 8'oclock on Saturday nite, girls at kelston screaming over lee grant, the chics, lets go, the lawson quinns, hub dairy, delta theatre jumping on the seat when the calvary was coming
cowboys and indians
I went out with Lee Grant..real name Bogdin Kominoski (sp).. met him at a youth club in Woodville.. he was the singer.. & I was in a dance
Speaking of the Lawson Quins... I havd just finished renovations on a house owned by one of the girls...
Raleigh Choppers And Fireballs, Endless summer days racing my P Class at French Bay Boat Club....My parents divorce...Well nothings perfect
we spent so many hours trying to catch birds using a cardboard box, and a piece of string attached to a stick as the trigger to lower the box. Playing games in the middle of the street with all the kids in the area was the night time fun.
Mum found an old b & w photo of me (couldn't have been any more than 7 y.o.) happily riding my brand, spanking new Raleigh 20! Funnily enough she only came across that photo today - same day as I received this book!
ahhhhhhhh those were the days Mr Lee Grant, Craig Scott, Shane, Larry Morris. blossom parades in hastings. life was so simple back then.

Yeah, i remember (Born 1957)
every Sunday night watching the Black & White Minstrals(sp) Show, Chokito Bars (yummmmm), Bay City Rollers, Rompers, Ralaegh(sp) 20 Push Bike, Bata Bullets, Basket Ball Boots, when fags ere 50c a pack, milk and cream in glass bottles(which I much prefer), getting a HUGE 5c bag of mixed lollies from the local dairy, butchershops that had the sawdust floors and the butcher would have a rolly smoke behind one ear & behind the other a pen & he would add up all your meat written on the brown paper your meat was wrapped in, Ready to Roll, Radio with Pictures with Karen Hay, The Dudes, Lilos, Elastics, Brushing your teeth lessons at school, where u took your thbrush and a mug to school with you, Banking with the Post Office at school, Banardos(still have my badge from primary school), also have my red cross badge as well, gosh there`s heaps of stuff...
Chain bikes and metal tricycles with a tray on the back. I can actually remember when sliced bread was introduced. My siblings and I would fight over the kissing crust between the twin loaves of unsliced...YUM.


madgazza said...

Lots of great memories there and just to name one I loved Life With Dexter too.
However I listened to an episode recently and sadly it didn't quite measure up.
However there was a BBC series I really liked and it was titled Journey Into Space. In recent times I have heard all three series again and Jet Morgan and his crew of Lemmy, Mitch and Doc are still great to listen to after all these years.
That was a great post Helen; what was the name of the book?

NZBC said...

This is part of a thread from Trade Me. Trying to record it before it goes. Its called 'Kiwi Baby Boomers' by David McGill