Saturday, July 09, 2011

Down Memory Lane

Who remembers playing hopscotch at Primary School also Marbles

elastics, knuckle bones and 4 square......


I still have knuckle bones. Does anyone remember swaps, the pretty paper pictures you brought in sheets if you could afford them or swpa with friends to get whole sets

Basketball (not netball in those days) with the balls that had laces, black rompers, all games played on the asphalt.And later on as i got older witches britches!

At birthday parties we played -I wrote a letter to my love & on the way I dropped it, someone must have picked it up & put it in their pockets.
It wasn't you etc. Hanky was dropped behind a person & when they found it run & try to beat the hanky dropper into the space.

And the paper folded thingee where you chose colours, numbers etc and got to the middle for your message.

I have a huge jar of marbles. Alot of old ones. I have quite a few of the large ones that my generation called Bonzos. I love the colours but every so often I plunge my hand into them cos I love the sound and the feel.

Making necklaces & bracelets from daisys picked from the lawn. Looking for 4 leaf clovers.

anyone remember the really nice glittery paper scraps we used to collect and swap? all us girls anyway. i remember running in for skipping with a long rope and 2 kids turning it so the rest of us could skip.

That was plastic hoop that went over your foot to have it on your ankle. it had a string attatched and a light ball at the end. you got it swinging around you, jumping it when you needed.

Oh and what about Yo-yo's. My grandmother bought us really cool on

Leap frog was one we all played .Rounders

Hopscotch,marbles,skipping rope and cause we lived in country town we had access to empty shotgun bullets from everyone duckshooting so we had a bag each to carry round school [try do that today!] and what we would do was line some up against a wall -say 5 each [ only 2 players] then stand back 2 mtres and use another empty bullet [shotgun bullets are quite big] to flick with your finger while bending it back with other hand to flick off usually at pace and whoever knocked over any bullets lined up would collect them, sounds easy but was quite a skill and there was bragging rights about who had the most. [still remember the smell of those empty shells and boys who carried full plastic bags around showing off there winnings]
Then there was 4 square which they still play today but i see the ball has shrunk! they use tennis ball today whereas we used a rubber basketball which was light and easy to spin when done at speed with 2 hands, wow thanks for the memories! that was good times, kids not so active now,its all electronic

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