Saturday, July 09, 2011



North Island ticket>holders were in the money today at the drawing of the "My Pussy Cat" art union, and the second prize of £500 went to Wellington. The first prize of £2000 was won by Mrs. J. Carr, Tolaga Bay. Sergeant C. A. G. Mcßae represented the Police Department, and Mr. ±i. Gerard the Internal Affairs Department. The five main prizes were won as f°F?rst'"Prize, " £2000.-152320 Mrs. J. Carr. care Post Office, Tolaga Bay. Second Prize, £500.-173599 "Luck at Last," Wellington. Third Prize, £250.-77220 "San. Patient," Rotorua. „ Fourth "Prize, £150.-182211 "Cats,' Waiuku. Fifth.Prize. £100.-10755 M. Armer, "Little Snowdrop," Auckland butt. Following were minor prizes won in the Wellington district:— £10 Prizes.-—94560 My (.iinger Cut, WeJlington; 25023 Dons, Lower HuH; 174247 IV Hooper. Wellington; 90101 Homo Again, Lower Hutt; 121000 Might Come Back, Trafalgar btreet. Nelson; 344V62 Bring Mo Luck, Pussy Cat, Otaki; 172917 Canary, Wellington; 1i923» Morich, Aurora Terrace, Wellington; 1<30.J4 Black Cat, Box 541, Wellington; 92708 My Last Try, Hataitai; 174710 Black Eye, Lint on; 59954 Miss Lucy Barnes, Rangihaeta, R.M.D.. Takaka: 115548 Try Again, Cardall Street. Wellington: 116444 Morning Star, 27 Rua Street, Lyall Bay; 19G1G Wong, Palmerston Xorth; 174G91 Kenny's Pussy, Mount Victoria; 59076 Smut, ingledew IB., .Nelson: 11991)8 Luck Tuesday. Wellington; 178250 Tom Cat. Wellington; 117129 Our Turn, Plimmerton; 120353 Eureka, Box 640, Wellington; 15519.i Our Turn, Wellington. £5 Prizes.—3Bslo Poor Pussy, Benge Avenue. Upper Hutt, 9429S Augury, Wellington; 81397 Puss and Me, 10 Pinelands Avenue, Seatoua. 39770 Betty's Pussy, Wellington; 17001 Just in Time, 24 Trafalgar Street, Nelson; 3941b Glad and Mum, Lower Hutt; 184369 Last Try, We - lington; 38766 My Dream Ship for Two, Wellington; 81151 Peaters Mine, Wellington; 9002. Good Old Bill. Wellington; 107969 Basil the Dos Wellington; 25896 Mum and Ivy, Holluston Street, Wellington; 189768 Alex, OhaUea; 140570 A. Watson, Box 67, Blenheim; IiOMS Slow Day for Business, Wellington; 118129 For Puter, Wellington; 198930 No B Cioou, Palmer-, ston Xorth; 27985 Double D, Wellington Club; 140280 Mewoh, Murchison; 39718 Smoky, Wellington; 143214 Winner Take All, Day's Bay; 47134 Lost Tickets, Wellington; 39591 Billy the Cat, Wellington; 118142 We Win, Wellington; 174610 My Birthday, Petone; 174343 lubbv the Cat, Wellington; 81073 Just for Luck, 803 Main Street, Palmerslou North; 59151 Passing Thro', Blenheim; 144989 Foxton at Last, Foxton; 155584 Badly Needed, Union Street, Foxton: GO3ll Whitebait, Wellington; 28465 Win. 491 Adelaide Road, Wellington; 29688 Charles and Billie, Wellington; 11G175 Thank You for the Last, Lower'.Hutt; 156774 Lucky at Last, Wellington; 140900 M. T. Soar, Islington, Blenheim; 155944 Black Cat, care Box 458, Wellington; 156682 Bill and Nigger, Wellington; 176697 Arabian Nights, Wellington; 81897 Tike Brings Home the Bacon, Wellington; 171200 Last Chance, Wellington; 94077 Betterman, Wellington; 18201 Our Bobbie, Otald; 83111 A. M. Mcars, Xorsewood; 15749 Tiki, Karori; 59972 Silly Cnt. Nelson; 90859 Old Bill, 5 Clermont Terrace, Wellington; 140914 Bill, Jack, Don, and I, Nelson Street, Blenheim; 142064 Kitty Hawk, care R.N.Z.A.F., Palmerston Nortli.

Last week- 212 towns attained or exceeded their national war savings quotas. All the principal centres were successful, and in seventeen out of the eighteen postal districts the full district quota was achieved. Evening Post, Volume CXXXVI, Issue 30, 4 August 1943, Page 3

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