Sunday, June 24, 2007

Hannken Otto Family - Auckland

Reminiscences of Auckland 1858-1880
by Philip Frank Hannken (1858-1940) Written c.1935
On furnishing these few notes on the early arrival of my father and mother, a family of which I am the sole survivor, I don't think any record was ever kept of their early history.
But as Father lived with me for the last eleven years of his life, he naturally told me a good deal of his early times in New Zealand, but as I have to rely on my memory I have not much to tell.
Well, he, Frederick Hannken, after his marriage to Eliza Otto in Sydney came to New Zealand, arriving at the Bay of Islands in October 1839. I don't remember him mentioning the name of the boat he came in, probably a whaler, they being the most frequent visitors to these shores.
He did not remain long at the Bay but came on to Auckland, in fact he was here before Governor Hobson.
In the mean time their first child was born in Sydney, a girl, and mother came to Auckland in 1840, bringing little Elizabeth who was the first of seven successive girls, the last six all born in the Auckland province, then came a change, a boy was born.

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