Sunday, June 24, 2007

Caversham Project - Milk

Caverham project -

Um, my mother had a wee cow farm on Carlton Hill. I left her, left school, I [050 inaudible] school, I was first into school every morning, ah, the last in, the first out. We delivered MILK on the way to school you see and um, one day, I was in Standard 2, Miss Botting, she kept me in for something. I don't know yet what it was for. A lovely person she was. [055 inaudible] I might have been her pet, I don't know but, um, it wasn't the strap. As I hit home, my mum's wee cow farm, we had paddocks all round the place, Valley Road, Caversham and [058 inaudible] and my assignment was to look after the farm, seeing dad worked out of town, it was worse than the strap to me, yeah.

Well, one of the things that perhaps I do remember that - now when I was a small child there - a Chinaman used to come around with a rod across his shoulder, carrying two baskets, one to each hand, cat - carrying vegetables and some of the boys used to run after him and grab a handful of green peas. Now of course people buy them frozen and a man used to come around with a trap and he sold skimmed MILK.

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