Monday, January 15, 2007

part 26

my favourite books were the Just william series and then Biggles. Told you I was a tomboy! Once tried to sell my little sister for half a crown at a street stall to raise funds for CORSO and another time I was caught trying to teach her to fly off our garage roof using an umbrella aka Mary Poppins.

I can't for the life of me believe how big this thread has got either! I remember books such as 'William' series, Chalet School, Abbey, Famous Five, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Biggles, Jolly Roger, Jennings, oooh the list goes on! Mum banned the "William" books from me and the "Naughtiest Girl", as I would emulate the main character in them! Didn't stop me from cadging from other kids in school and reading them at their houses, piece by piece - or the library. Took me ages! Where there was a will there was a way!

TV shows Rin Tin Tin, Rawhide, Bonanza...our ponies became schizophrenic as they changed names according to the program of choice. Actually, my cats and rat suffer from the same as they are renamed on a regular basis by my grandson on a regular basis.

saw the Guns of Navarone and the Dambusters and all the John Wayne movies so many times that I could recite it. My parents loved the old stuff. Boring !! and I used to get so annoyed when they would name all the actors.. hahahaa now I do the same.

My friend in Oklahoma is following this thread also. He told me that his childhood mirrored ours, so perhaps we werent so isolated in the 50's. He says he had the same toys, played the same games outside, etc Intersting as we always thought we were years behind as they had TV way before us *waves to Jim*


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