Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Tui Ads

New tui ads raise eyebrows

AUCKLAND: The new billboard campaign from the Tui brand of beer has caused further controversy after ads were hoisted on sites around the nation in the weekend.
Many feel the new ads which feature the “Yeah Right” slogan are a little too close to the bone. Alcohol abuse campaigners feel that slogans such as “It was consensual,” “My Missus walked into a door,” “I’m not an alcoholic,” and “I swear I was OK to drive” are designed to appeal to no one, but boorish young males with no common sense and few morals.
Critics feel the ads violate the principles of the liquor advertising code which states "advertisements shall not depict or imply offensive, aggressive or unduly masculine themes or behaviour."
Tui brand owner DB Group told reporters that the new campaign was based upon "humorous statements, that the general adult audience of New Zealand would be able to appreciate" and that detractors are misrepresenting the ads.
“The people of New Zealand have come to love our cheeky brand of humour,” Tui brand manager Will Knight told reporters. “The “Yeah Right” slogan has become a catch phrase throughout the nation!”
“We reckon the best billboard ads leave the stories half told,” Knight continued. “Our aim with this campaign is to draw people to make their own assumptions about what it means to drink our beer.”

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