Friday, June 02, 2006

Mt Albert Primary - opened 1870

Today we hear that children in Linwood Ave, Mt Albert (my old address) can no longer automatically go to Gladstone, a short walk away, but must tackle a major highway to get to Mt Albert Primary, a greater distance away. Absolute madness!
We should not be focussing on the schools that are in demand but asking some really tough questions of the schools that are not "in" and finding out why they are failing to address the needs of their local community.
It's not all white flight. I've met plenty of white families who have chosen to send their children to Grey Lynn Primary in that same neck of the woods.
Mt Albert Primary has great facilities and great grounds so what is going on inside that parents shun so badly?
I reserve the right to spend my $$$ to send my children to the private school of my choice (although I don't) but I also pay my taxes and with THAT money I expect an education and health system to be provided to all NZ'ers that meets the communities needs at a consistently high level

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