Saturday, June 03, 2006

Calling the Goldies back on board

Chesdale Cheese ! "We are the boys from down on the farm, We really know our cheese There's much better value in Chesdale, It never fails to please. Chesdale, Slices thinly Never crumbles, Theres no waste. And boy, it's got a mighty taste! Chesdale cheese!" It's finest cheddar Made better!

Chesdale cheese to me is still a treat! LOL much and all as I love the real cheeses, I seem to recall that Chesdale was one of the precursor foods to the longkeeping 'plastic' foods we see so much of now. Yummmm and every few years I treat myself to a block of the stuff

Remember - bring a plate (all a bit confusing for Poms.) Focus, just how many kids have you, sounds like a whole army? Don't forget ABBA. Who remembers Murray and milking time? Moooooooo.

who remebers throwing all the kids in the back seat and going some where no car seats no seatbelts

yes, in a 1928 National chevie It could take the pram on the floor of the back seat, and still leave room for our two daughters to use the rear bench seat as table on which to draw or read

Who remembers Cold Duck? It was the drink of choice when our young adults were wanted an evening on the town. They would bring a cold bottle home for an early evening meal, while I was out of town on business. And then with my wife feeling nicely on Cold Duck, she would send them off for an evening's fun

Cold Duck and Montana Pearl, I like listening to Sat Night on the radio as well... I can remember when we went to town by bus as we lived out in the sticks the prams and push chairs were hooked onto the back of the bus or underneath in cubby holes

When we had a batch in One Tree point up Ruakaka Dad would take us over i think it is called Uriti or Urawiti Rd something like that, which was up hill down dale road and we didn't have seat belts, loved that road

does chesdale still come in blocks? I thought they came in those plastic slices now.. Not the same - I'm sure they used to come in small triangles with different flavours like bacon, pineapple

Walked over Auckland Harbour Bridge, 1960(?) We did not have a car so a friend of my parents took us all to the beach in his small truck, us kids rolling around in the back (91)

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