Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Snippet 16

How did most of you do for pocket money, my sister and I got about 2/6 per week and to raise extra funds we used to try all sorts of odd jobs, at one stage we lived at the beach and collected lupin seed which we took and sold to one of the stock and station agents in town. Used to like visiting the wreck of the Hyderabad at Waitarere Beach, now scarely visible in the 50's it was great to play on.

My aunt would occasionally give us sixpence, then when we were at college, we got probably 2/6d. Then we worked at Woolworths on Friday nights, until I left school at 15, and as someone mentioned earlier got paid £275 per annum with school cert in the Govt. In those days we didn't get taxed until we were 16.

our first section cost $1300 and the house about $7000 in 1967, used to get family benefit then as well, lump sum for first year when first child was born, I bought bonus bonds with the cheque and still have these

Hopalong Cassidys horse was called Topper.. we had no movies when I was a kid , well no movie theatre as such but every now and again we'd get to see a cowboys and itchybums movie at the local hall.. the best ones were the Ma and Pa Kettle ones though.. how I'd love to see one of those again.. although I suspect we'd find them pretty silly nowadays..lol

I think the 1st movie I ever went to see at the old picture theatre was OLD YELLER, oh I cried when he had to be shot, I remember lots of Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis movies, and of course The Sound of Music,

Remember when we went to the movies and had to stand for the National Anthem, when did that stop. Also shorts before the main feature

Remember when movies on Sunday had to be preceeded by half an hour of religion? I only know that because our church youth group had to go and sing to a less than appreciative audience lol. I think the first movie I saw was Debbie Reynolds in Tammy.

remember seeing Old Yeller.. a song came out not lobg after that about a boy & his dog.. cant remember the name of that tho.. when I was small.. mum called me Sherylee.. that came from a film in Ozzie.. about a little girl that ran away from home

I remember standing for God save the Queen too. Our closest picture theatre (not movies in those days) was at the Whenuapai Air Force base. I use to go with my mates as my dad had retired from the airforce by then, we use to get a bus that use to take us there and back to Hobsonville

Does anyone remember going to see the Queen when she visited not long after the coronation. I remember standing in a huge crowd in wellington trying to get a glimpse. Some of the kids had viewing tubes you could look into (like mini periscopes) and I thought they were very cool. Remember the new British High Commissioner being here as a child when his father was Gov. General. Doesnt seem long ago

remember the Queen's visit in 1953. It was our first year in NZ so we were surprised at how FEW people turned out to see her lol, and they were all standing on the Queen's side of the street. My sister and I stood on the Duke's side and got a special wave and that never happened in London! We also went to Athletic Park with all the schoolchildren lined up to see her as she drove around the ground. Then of course while she was here we had the Tangiwai disaster. It was our first NZ Christmas and my father was on duty at the Railway Station when they brought the bodies back by train to Wellington.

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