Saturday, May 13, 2006

snippet 12

my grandmothers house in Oriental Bay would be worth several fortunes now lol. Dress circle with 6 bedrooms, balcony's etc. In her day it was cream with a red roof, now white with a blue roof situated up on the hillside above the band rotunda. When it was built draught horses were used with a pulley system to take the lumber up the hill. It is mentioned in one of Pat Lawlors books on early wellington (he was a cousin of my fathers) my grandmother lived there till age 99 and was still walking up from the bay till shortly before her death. Remember driving up Hay St to visit as a child and parking car with bricks behind the wheels, the street was so steep.

Was a highlight of the holidays for me too. The true country bumpkin off to the city! White gloves and beret was my Sunday school garb. Not that I went much . I usually pretended to still be asleep until too late to go. Rather help Dad around the farm than get dressed up -IN SHOES, HAT and GLOVES - yuk!

yep my town clothes were my sunday school clothes. Does anyone remember how old they were before they were allowed to wear high heels

I wasn't allowed to wear heels until I was sixteen, but even then they were clumpy ones. I didn't wear trousers until I left home because they were unseemly lol.

I was 16 & the heels were club heels from memory. My elder sisters were 18 so by the time my younger sister & I started nagging etc. etc. Mum said to heck with it. My elder sisters weren't allowed to wear trousers either. Mum NEVER wore trousers and ALWAYS wore her pinny in the house.

I remember the Farmers bus used to catch it at Pitt Street after having a look at Gearge courts in K Rd And can remember Keans for Jeans with that cowboy and lasoo in neon lights.. Smith and Caughey was really like are you being served even had chairs to sit on.... The McKenzie Stores..My first job was in Wyndam Street..I used to love the Stones shoe stor on the corner of Vulcan Lane..My first heels just little ones 13 years old..

I got my first pair of "high" heel shoes for my 13th birthday, tom thumbs they were call and were all of an inch high. I see they are coming back into the shops now. I can still hear my mother saying "I don't know what your grandmother will say" when I got these shoes and .. a bright pink lipstick (my first) for my 13th birthday.

Fancy talking about aprons! I still wear one when I am cooking tea,and have bought my daughter one or two I don't know whether she wears them tho.Remember the wrap around ones all the ladies used to wear in the uk, with a scarf on the head a la Hilda Ogden!I remember watching Coronation Street in England in 1962 it must have just started. Also z- cars, Dixon of Dock Green, Top of the Pops. Of course I was mad on the Beatles and had their first albums wish I still did they would be worth a few $$s.

who remebers those plastic hair rollers we used with a spike we stuck thru ..put a head scarf on and went to bed...god no wonder we are all tired now..all those nights waking up with a roller or spike stuck in your head or ear hole!

I remember the rollers etc we must have been crazy or willing to suffer for our beauty.I Think I even had a photo taken with rollers in ewwwwwwww-and those chiffon sort of hat thingys that did up with a bow under your chin! But I never coloured my hair until I started getting greys everyone does it now you see them with purple, blue pink you name it

remember going to see The Beatles in wgtn in 1963. My sister and I went from Levin to Wgtn on train then walked from the railway station thru town and throught the tunnel and right out to the airport, clung to the netting fence and watched their plane touch down and them disembark then walked all the way back to station. Must have been mad.

Oooooooo.. the old dances..girls on one side.. boys on the and we prepared most of the afternoon.. Haoir in those horrid rollers.. & those petticoats.. if you werent lucky enough to have the blow-up hoop ones ??? you stiffened them in a bucket with geletine.. or some other white stuff.. cant remember now.. & I still remember my aunty who was a 'rocker'.. she made a leopard skin track suit is the easiest to describe it..out of the fluffy leopard blankets you could buy.. boy..wasnt she a

saw the beatles in Amsterdam in 1963/4 and wow was I dissappointed Ringo had tonsilitus and his replacement was ....gosh see his face but cannot remember his name...Jimmy Nicols something...Ruined the Beatles for me.

Aunt Daisy Cook Book Yes I still have one too and it is a quite interesting read especially in the Hint section and all the hard case remedies. Still got hair rollers and remember once our hair was set nice used to wrap toilet paper around it so it would not get upset while sleeping. Remember the old time loos where you put a penny in the slot "Here I sit broken hearted, paid a penny and only farted". Used to get icecreams for 1d or even 1/2d and the old movie "The Wizard of Oz"

talking about Aunt Daisy.. Not long ago I was a radio announcer.. and some days.. especially if it was sunny ?? I would say.. " goodmorning, goodmorning, goodmorning.. I have just opened the door & the sun is shining right up my back passage".lol.. & would you believe Aunt Daisy actually did her radio show from a basement at NZBC building.. never sawwwww the

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